1) Do they need to be transferred (bed / toilet / shower) and how would you do that?
2) Do they need a Hoyer lift? (thread continues)
4) Are you in danger of infecting other vulnerable members of your household?
5) How will you support them if they have dementia?
6) Do you have knowledge on how to support #incontinence & the products?
8) are they going to lose their #placement in the #nursinghome (in Ontario - the answer would be yes)
9) who else in your home needs care?
10) how will you support #socialengagement?
12) can you manage #skincare and #skinhealth - to prevent #bedsores
13) do you have an appropriate #hospital #bed or other type of #bed
14) do they need #bedrails?
16) Do you have a good way of supporting a person with #memoryloss, #sundowning, #responsivebehaviours #hitting, #wandering secondary to #dementia?
18) Do they need #assistivedevices like #wheelchairs, #canes, #walkers and do they fit in your house and hallways?
19) Do they have trouble #eating or #aspirating food?Can you support their unique food needs?