Total nodes: 6,701
New nodes: 474
New: Estonia 🇪🇪, Sri Lanka 🇱🇰, Reúnion,
Countries: 91
If you are not a shade of blue on this map, you are missing out on the 4th Industrial Revolution!

- Welcome Reúnion 👏
- South Africa is growing faster than last month
As @VALRdotcom, @lunomoney and @ICE3X continue to onboard more users to BTC, the world’s largest exchange, @binance, opens in South Africa!

Total Server Solutions is catching up slowly but surely.

- 44 states are running nodes
- Welcome Maine 👏
- California is speeding ahead with the lead over TX!💪
- Florida inches ahead of Virginia
@BinanceAmerica @Gemini @krakenfx @LGOGroup_ @CoinbasePro these customers are waiting for you to add support!🙏

Please run your wallet on v3.0.5.0, v3.0.4.0, or v3.0.3.0. The latest Stratis Core 2.0 RC2 is running v3.0.7.0.

For users- it is a global network to transact data and value. Not tie to a sovereign state!
For devs- it is #Bitcoin implementation in #Csharp.
For enterprise- reduce your OpEx in the post #Covid_19
91 countries and 6,701 nodes!👀

Stratis is:
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