Total nodes: 6,230
New nodes: 575
New: Iraq 🇮🇶, Palestine 🇵🇸, Georgia 🇬🇪
Countries: 87
If you are not a shade of blue on this map, you are missing out on the 4th Industrial Revolution!

- South Africa added a node.
- what’s going on with blockchain in Africa? @AfriBlockchain @AfriBlockMedia @ICE3X

- Texas caught up and tied with California! There’s major activities going on in Plano, Tx...
- Please help Delaware, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, N Dakota, S Dakota, and Wyoming. @BinanceAmerica @Gemini @krakenfx @LGOGroup_

- @binance remains the top with 21%
- @BittrexExchange is second with 10%
- @BittrexGlobal is third with 7%
- @BithumbOfficial is fourth with 2.04%
- @Poloniex is fifth with 1.89%
- All “Others” wallet collective hold 59%.

For users- it is a global network to transact data and value in the digital era. Not tie to a sovereign state!
For Devs - it uses a familiar language and framework in enterprise. It is #Bitcoin implementation in C#.

Stratis is:
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