Total nodes: 5,655
New nodes: 961
New: Antarctica 🇦🇶
Countries: 84
If your country is not a shade of blue on this map, your country is missing the 4th Industrial Revolution!

- Turkey added the most node and closing the gap on Bahrain.
- Bahrain is slowing down. When $STRAT listing @rainfinancial?
- Cyprus, Israel and Saudi Arabia only added a few node to the network.

- Sudan is keeping Africa on the blockchain map! What’s interesting is that all C# nodes are from @ZainSudan, a mobile operator.
- who else will appear from Africa next month? @AfriBlockchain @AfriBlockMedia @ICE3X

- California has overtaken Texas and not given back the lead!
- Please help Delaware, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, and Wyoming drink the #blockchain #crypto koolaid!
@BinanceAmerica @Gemini @krakenfx @CoinbasePro

It is a global network to transact data and value in the digital era. It combine the most secure and valuable digital currency in the world, #Bitcoin, with the most use and robust development framework in the world, #Microsoft.

There are 195 countries in the world per the UN. 84 countries are on the network. #decentralized
Why isn’t your country on @stratisplatform?

Stratis is:
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