When 'verbal veracity' is in doubt, BODY LANGUAGE can say a lot 📸
1 (0:00) SetUp
2 (0:02) @MariekeWalsh identifies herself
3 (0:07) Mention Fmr Australian PM TURNBULL
4 (0:15) Smirk ~ 'I've got this!'
5 (0:54) Fait accompli.
1. Start
2. Neutral. Before question asked.⤵️

3. #TRUDEAU bristles, upon hearing the name. [@TurnbullMalcolm humiliated #PMJT in his autobiography: 'Justin, we're not here to talk about your socks']. Watch his eyebrows and the tightening of his facial muscles. He Inhales sharply (0:08)
(LINK) nationalpost.com/news/politics/…
Good question, but it left #TRUDEAU an exit. No mention of #China #CCP in the response. My guess @MariekeWalsh may not receive a Christmas card from PM this year. Her @globeandmail editors will assuredly hear about it, no doubt.
CLOSING - It's 'classic' Trudeau smarminess.