“I’m happy to thank #Taiwan for its generous donation,” @JustinTrudeau said.
What next, @ElizabethMay proclaiming, "Long live Oil!"💥
So, what does this mean!?
Some context, it only happened AFTER @MariekeWalsh @globeandmail asked her now ...
roundly celebrated AND foundation-shaking question at the 'The Cottage'. TRUDEAU has taken a shellacking for not answering it and turning his back (on CDNs🇨🇦) retreating into his 'Red Brick Refuge'.
I smiled this morning as I read a post asking if it was all #FakeNews.

FIRST - What to look for next?
Watch for official social media posts expressing this gratitude.
If you don't see any, THEN it would be advisable to not only question, but be unbelieving - be 'vewy, vewy [sic] sceptical.'
Cc: @JustinTrudeau @cafreeland @FP_Champagne

With each encountered contour necessitating choices, SERIOUS CHOICES - #China #CCP #WHO #USA #communism #democracy AND ultimately converging toward #UNSC seat. The landscape is unforgiving of the dilettante who now risks pitching dangerously trying to maintain his balance.