Episode 20: #SurvivorStories Series with Rosaura Torres Thomas, author of "Abuse Hidden Behind the Badge" Episode 30: #SurvivorStories Series with Anita Gera on The misuse of the Hague Convention to harm children @anitasgera 2/
Episode 32: #SurvivorStories with Lana on her "Sophie's Choice" to protect her daughter from CSA
Episode 35: #SurvivorStories Series with Maria Santiago 3/
Episode 59: #SurvivorStories series with "Ashley" on the dangers of technology--cyberstalking and surveillance
Episode 70: Follow up to #SurvivorStories Series with Jessica Ingels
Episode 97: #SurvivorStories Series with "Carol" on parenting with an abuser during COVID-19 5/
Episode 2: Evan Stark on "Coercive Control" as a gendered liberty crime
Episode 9 Joan Meier of the Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment Project @DV_LEAP #coercivecontrol 6/
Episode 11: Kathleen Russell of the Center for @JudicialCenter
Episode 16: en(gender)ed Reflections on family court @AbuseStoppers #GenderBiasedLaws 7/
Episode 28: Paul Griffin, Legal Director of Child Justice Inc. on "It's Worse to Accuse than it is to Abuse" on Protective Parents and children who are "lost in the system" @ChildJusticeInc 8/
Episode 40: Health Psychologist Kathleen Kendall-Tackett On domestic violence, trauma, breastfeeding, mothering and their intersection 9/
Episode 68: Indra Lusero of the National Advocates for Pregnant Women on Reproductive Justice as a Human Right #YDIW @JQ_Research #motherhood #johnsonquinlan 10/
#protectivemom #protectivemoms #protectivemother #protectivemothers #mother #mom #momlife #mothersday #mothersday2020 #happymothersday #happymothersday2020 #women #genderequality #ratifyERA #lovemom 11/