*️⃣ New cases - 2739
*️⃣ Recovered patients - 2234
*️⃣ Deaths - 120
*️⃣ Active cases - 42,600
*️⃣ Total positive cases till date - 82,968
*️⃣ Total recoveries till date - 37,390
✡️ Recovery rate - 45.06%
✡️ Case fatality rate - 3.57%
Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:

The state tally of #COVID19 positive patients is now 82,968.
District-wise details of cases and deaths until today are as follows:

#COVID deaths toll gone ⬆️ to 2969 in the state
78 were men, 42 women
53 patients aged>60 yrs
47 were in 40-59 age group
20 were aged<40 yrs
69 out of 120 patients (57.5%) had comorbidities
Circle-wise deaths as follows

*️⃣ Active #ContainmentZones - 3603
*️⃣ #Surveillance squads at work - 18,422
*️⃣ Persons in #HomeQuarantine - 5,46,566
*️⃣ Persons in #InstitutionalQuarantine - 29,098
@COVIDNewsByMIB @ddsahyadrinews @airnews_mumbai