And, I figured it wouldn't be mannerable if I didn't pay the Lil' Nazis -- a visit!
I feel like Maeve.
I feel like the AFRICAN father of WESTERN Theology:
I feel like throwing my Afro-European identity around...
I feel like E pluribus unum; like an Afro-European!
I feel like the Dumas family. I feel like looking down on #Europe 🇪🇺 -- from the multicultural safe-space - heaven; saying, "Viva La France" ....

"Europe, France..
What you done done,
Let things drift, til the riots come".
And BOTH inform us!
Talk about a fire next time...
"I want the slaveholder surrounded, as by a wall of anti-slavery fire... I would have condemnation blaze down upon him in every direction, till, stunned and overwhelmed with shame and confusion, he is compelled to let go."
“In overthrowing me you have cut down in Saint Domingue only the trunk of the tree of liberty; it will spring up again from the roots, for they are many and they are deep.”
— L'Ouverture, Toussaint (1742-1803)
For every WHITE Nationalist action, there will be an EQUAL and OPPOSITE BLACK reaction - GLOBAL & multicultural reaction.
Indifference may feed you, and lily-white politicians might even house and spoil you — but..
We KNOW you, Bitch!
Make NO mistake: You put your hands on any of us; and we’re going to CHOP that shit off.
The Whole Fucking World
The multiculturalism that you ridicule
The bane of your sleepless nights will CRUSH you; demoralize you — fuck-you-up.
They were wiped out by Navajo code breakers on the ground —- and African pilots in the sky.

And we will best it again..
Well, let them come.
Let them come.
We’ll be like that Motel 6 commercial — We’ll leave the light💡on for them.