Today we've got a great line-up of panels, on topics including the EU's global role, institutional reform, social cohesion, and youth ideas 💪
Follow along below for key quotes!⤵️

Follow along here:
1⃣Institutional Reform in Times of Crisis Management (mod: @MichaelKaeding)
2⃣European Social Cohesion & Social Security (mod: Pola Schneemelcher)
3⃣Youth Ideas (mod: @ju_kle, @JPlottka & @schu_jana)
@katrinauel from @IHS_Vienna
@gabischoff from @spdberlin in the @Europarl_EN
Jim Cloos from @EUCouncil
Wolfgang Wessels from @UniCologne

The panel features:
@IainBeggLSE from @LSEnews
Hrvoje Butković from @irmo_hr
Miriam Hartlapp from @FU_Berlin
Rolf Schmachtender from @BMAS_Bund


#Zoom in for our concluding remarks, from Lucia Mokrá (Chair of the TEPSA Board) and Jim Cloos from @EUCouncil
Lucia Mokra praises #PPCBerlin as a way of advocating for leadership from the German Presidency
TEPSA's Pre-Presidency Conferences are an institution, and we're proud to have this opportunity
Jim Cloos from @EUCouncil describes the need to move forwards strongly after #COVID19, a priority of #EU2020DE
We've had a great couple of days meeting you all virtually, and putting our recommendations to #EU2020DE
Stay tuned for more, and look forward to #PPCLisbon before the Portuguese Presidency at the end of the year 💪