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Welcome to day 1⃣ #PPCLisbon

We're now hearing our opening remarks from Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Director of @iprinova

As always, we'll be collecting the great highlights of our first session here on Twitter

Nuno Severiano Teixeira, Director of @iprinova, gives his remarks about the chief topic of #PPCLisbon: #EU2021PT!

"Europe is in a crucial moment, facing internal and international challenges. #EU2021PT will have to deal with this"

"On the international side, we have good news: @JoeBiden's election will allow us to rebuild the trans-Atlantic alliance, the liberal international order, multilateralism including the Paris Agreement, and the defence of rule of law"

- Nuno Severiano Teixeira, @iprinova

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🗨️"Wir wollen klimafreundliches Reisen und einen sauberen Gütertransport ermöglichen. Die Vision: Keine Verbote, sondern jeder kann das passende Verkehrsmittel frei wählen. Die beste Möglichkeit gewinnt. Dieser Gedanke steckt auch in der Idee für den #TransEuropExpress #TEE 2.0." Image
🗨️ "Wir wollen Zugverbindungen in #Europa besser miteinander verknüpfen. Auf Basis nationaler Verbindungen kann so ein #Europatakt entstehen. Unternehmen können Hochgeschwindigkeits- und #Nachtzüge gezielt einsetzen und Bahnfahren wird auch für weite Strecken echt interessant." Image
🗨️„Der #TransEuropExpress 2.0 wird von allen Seiten begrüßt. Die Grundlage ist ein digitales Buchungssystem. Wir wollen, dass sich jeder frei entscheiden kann, ob er in Europa fliegen, mit dem Auto fahren oder eine Top-Bahnverbindung nutzen will." #EU2020DE Image
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#Ahoi, Hamburg!
Heute haben Bundesminister @AndiScheuer und seine #EU-Amtskollegen über #GreeningShipping gesprochen: "Wir wollen die Schifffahrt klimaneutral machen und durch Innovation die Schiffsbranche stärken." #EU2020DE 🇪🇺 (1/7) Image
(2/7) Was nachhaltige Schifffahrt mit deinem Leben zu tun hat? Richtig viel!
👉🌍 90% aller Waren werden über das Meer transportiert - von Kaffee bis zur medizinischen Ausrüstung. In der deutschen Nord- & Ostsee werden jährlich rund 300 Mio. Tonnen an Gütern ein-/ausgeführt 😮. Image
(3/7)🗨️"#Europa ist für die anstehenden Entwicklungen gut aufgestellt, weil es über eine leistungsfähige Infrastruktur, eine starke maritime Wirtschaft und innovative Industrien
verfügt", bekräftigt Bundesminister @AndiScheuer die vereinbarten Ziele. #EU2020DE #GreenShipping Image
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Aktuell trifft @JuliaKloeckner die EU Agrarminister in Koblenz zu #EU2020DE.
Gestern gingen dort über 1000 Menschen für eine europäische #Agrarwende auf die Straße, organisiert von @wirhabenessatt2…
Ein paar Eindrücke von der Kundgebung. Thread von /uk
@JuliaKloeckner @WirHabenEsSatt2 Nach Anmoderation durch @S_Richartz Grußwort von Bernd Schmitz, Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft zu #Klimakrise #Landwirtschaft: „Fairer Handel heisst nicht Freihandel für die Industrie, sondern faire Preise für Bäuerinnnen und Verbraucher!"
@JuliaKloeckner @WirHabenEsSatt2 @S_Richartz Als nächstes forderte Sabine Yacoub von @BUNDjugendRLP eine vielfältige Landwirtschaft mit geschlossenen Kreisläufen. Wir brauchen eine Abkehr der Landwirtschaft von Agrarexporten, hin zu regionalen Lieferketten und fairem Handel – das hat auch Corona gezeigt!
Read 9 tweets
❓Did you miss the action at #PPCBerlin?
❓Do you still want to know all about #EU2020DE from the best experts in the TEPSA Network and @IEP_Berlin?

Well we've got you covered, because ALL the panels are online at the #PPCBerlin website ➡️

We enjoyed words of welcome from the key players at #PPCBerlin

First up, here is what TEPSA Secretary-General Prof. Dr. Jaap de Zwaan had to say

From @IEP_Berlin's side, we were also welcomed by Frank Schimmelfennig

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Dialogue with #China in times of # COVID19: Today Foreign Minister @HeikoMaas and his 🇨🇳 counterpart Wang Yi spoke virtually about the situation in #HongKong, EU-China investment agreement, #5G and the resolution of international conflicts in #Libya and #Iran Image
Foreign Minister @HeikoMaas stressed in talks with Chinese counterpart Wang Yi: Hong Kong’s status and freedoms guaranteed in Basic Law must remain ensured. We are therefore closely monitoring the practical application of the new security law.
Foreign Minister @HeikoMaas emphasized in talks with 🇨🇳 counterpart Wang Yi: Strengthening Europe’s digital sovereignty is a priority of 🇩🇪EU Council Presidency. Strict security criteria must be met for companies to be able to participate in #5G roll-out. #EU2020DE #EuropeUnited
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SAVE THE DATE for the #VIADUCT_EU Final Conference in October!


In the meantime, check out this contribution to the March Video Conference by @Ozgehansenyuva on the topic of @Blickwechsel_TR's TRIANGLE project⤵️

How does #Erdogan's narrative on the EU affect public opinion in #Turkey?

How will #EU2020DE affect EU-Turkey relations?

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Foreign minister @HeikoMaas before his trip to Athens: Europe has succeeded in reaching a compromise after hard negotiations. Even though the run-up was very long: In the end we jumped higher than many thought we could. #EUCO #EuropeUnited
In the worst economic crisis of its history, the #EU proves that it is capable of acting decisively and in the spirit of solidarity. This is a strong basis to get Europe's citizens through this crisis well. - @HeikoMaas #EUCO #EuropeUnited
@HeikoMaas Foreign minister @HeikoMaas before his trip to Athens: Europe must not leave Greece alone with the problems of migration in the Mediterranean Sea. In our EU Council Presidency we advocate for the reform of the Common European Asylum System. #EU2020DE
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"As EU Foreign Ministers, we have taken a very clear stance on the new security law for Hong Kong. Above all, we made it clear that the principle of „one country - two systems“ must not be undermined. This is what we expect from China" - Foreign Minister @HeikoMaas @RND_de (1/3).
@HeikoMaas @RND_de "We will now discuss the consequences of the security law for our relations with China and Hong Kong. Initial proposals will be made on Monday." @HeikoMaas to @RND_de (2/3) #EU2020DE
@HeikoMaas @RND_de "I am firmly convinced that we can only make headway with China if we speak with one EU 🇪🇺 voice. As EU Presidency, it is our priority to forge the common EU position together with @josep BorrellF" - @HeikoMaas in interview with @RND_de (3/3) #EU2020DE
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#Germany must show that it is willing to take real action against structural & institutional racism in the #EU during its presidency of the @EUCouncil.

If the #EU is serious about tackling racism, it should follow this roadmap:…

@EU2020DE #EU2020DE #BLM A roadmap for EU institutio...
Yes, it is true what @helenadalli said about structural racism inside the @EU_Commission.

However, #EU must ensure active participation of racialised groups & civil organisations to develop comprehensive solutions to fix the issue:……
#Deutschland muss während seiner #Ratspräsidentschaft zeigen, dass es gewillt ist wirklich etwas gegen strukturellen und institutionellen Rassismus in der #EU zu tun.

Wenn es der #EU ernst ist gegen Rassismus vorzugehen, sollte sie unserer Roadmap folgen:… Image
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Today is the first day of #EU2020DE 🇩🇪

The TEPSA Network always produces recommendations for the new Presidency - take a look!

This set was compiled by @FundaTekin17, @NicolePirozzi, and @ilketoygur

Here is @IEP_Berlin's Funda Tekin to explain more...


1⃣ Economic and Social Recovery - here's @michelemchang from @collegeofeurope to elaborate...

🗣️Support the proposed Recovery and Resilience Facility
💶Create a budgetary instrument for convergence and competitiveness
🏦Change the mandate of the @ecb

2⃣ To take you through our recommendations on #ClimateChange and #Sustainability, here's @gaby_um from @EuropeanUni:

🍃Implement the European #GreenDeal
🤝Engage in climate diplomacy
📜Push forward the new EU Climate Law

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Ambitionierter Plan für herausfordende Zeiten: nach den Prioritäten letzte Woche hat heute 🇩🇪 das Programm zur Ratspräsidentschaft #EU2020DE vorgestellt. Freue mich, dass Kernelemente der @NetzwerkEBD-Politik aufgenommen wurden. Doch eine wichtige Prio fehlt. (Thread 👇)
💶 Im Fokus #EU2020DE steht natürlich das Geld: #EUHaushalt & #RecoveryPlan. Sondergipfel im Juli muss Einigung herbeiführen. 🇩🇪 muss darauf achten, dass #MFR mit wichtigen Programmen wie #Erasmus+ nicht zu kurz kommt.
👍 Neben Herkulesaufgaben wie #MFR- und #Brexit-Verhandlungen, bleibt Stärkung europ. #Werte und des #Rechtsstaat|s Prio. Sehr gut. Denn wir brauchen eine Rechtsstaatsverknüpfung im #MFR & Rechtsstaatsdialog im Rat
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Did you miss the action at #PPCBerlin? Don't worry, we've got you covered 💪

We joined @IEP_Berlin to organise this conference, the latest in a long history of these events where we advocate for our Recommendations directly to the incoming presidency #EU2020DE


An overview of the day's events, including the afternoon parallel roundtables 👉…

Our morning panel on Youth Ideas👉…

The #InDivEU panel👉…

The daily roundup of everything that happened👉…

Our morning panel on the EU's global role👉…

Our afternoon parallel roundtables👉…
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Here, we will be collecting some key quotes from this afternoon's parallel roundtables ⤵️

For our panel on "European Social Cohesion and Social Security", we welcomed four expert panellists from across Europe to give their insights

.@IainBeggLSE from @LSEnews started proceedings, contributing that "we expect and require cross-border solidarity, but social Europe is something the Member States have been reluctant to cede"

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The first panel of the day and third of #PPCBerlin is starting: "Must the EU Learn to Speak the Language of Power?", moderated by @SenemAydnDzgit from @ipc_ipm, featuring:

Stefan Frölich from @UniFAU
@planungsstab from @GermanyDiplo
@NicolePirozzi from @IAIonline

We start with @planungsstab from @GermanyDiplo, who opens his contribution by declaring that the EU is in the "Champions League of world powers"

"There is more work to do to make the EU a strong strategic power: #EU2020DE aims to improve CFSP and CSDP by introducing Qualified Majority Voting"

@planungsstab from @GermanyDiplo expands on the second point of his presentation

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We're about to begin #PPCBerlin Day 2, so #Zoom in while you still can!

Today we've got a great line-up of panels, on topics including the EU's global role, institutional reform, social cohesion, and youth ideas 💪

Follow along below for key quotes!⤵️

We're enjoying some words of welcome from @SenemAydnDzgit from @ipc_ipm before our first instalment of the day!

Before our first session, we invite you to join us via #Zoom for our welcoming message from @JohannesPollak from @IEP_Berlin

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The #InDivEU Panel "The EU's Differentiated Future after #Brexit" has just started!

#InDivEU, along with @EU3Dh2020 and @IdeaEu, form part of the DiCE Project, so of course we'll be live-tweeting in this THREAD

The #InDivEU Panel welcomes...

👉@GermanyonBrexit from @GermanyDiplo
👉@BrigidLaffan from @EuropeanUni & @RobSchuCentre
👉@FundaTekin17 from @IEP_Berlin
👉Frank Schimmelfennig from @ETH_en and @IEP_Berlin
👉Moderator: Christian Frommelt from @LieInstitut

Moderator Christian Frommelt from @LieInstitut has just introduced Axel Dittmann (@GermanyonBrexit) from @GermanyDiplo to explain #EU2020DE's approach to #Brexit: "to get a good deal in the remaining time that satisfies both sides"

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Our first panel at #PPCBerlin is opening: "Youth Ideas: Shaping the Future of Europe", featuring contributions from:

We welcome Werner Hoyer, President of the @EIB, to open proceedings on our first panel, who uses the opportunity to highlight our partners in #PPCBerlin:

@EU_H2020 #EuropeforCitizens @MercatorDE @GermanyDiplo #InDivEU @TRACK_EUCO

"The Green Recovery is the right way forward for Europe for several reasons: fighting #ClimateChange is an obligation, 93% of people want it, it makes sense economically: this market will grow 10% every year"

Werner Hoyer from @EIB outlines the importance of #GreenRecovery
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#PPCBerlin is about to start!

As always, we'll be live-tweeting the event with some great quotes from our expert panelists and contributors, so stay tuned!


@IEP_Berlin @GermanyintheEU @parleu2020de @AuswaertigesAmt @EPinDeutschland @EUinDE @GermanyDiplo @EUCouncil
We kick things of with a video message from Jaap de Zwaan, TEPSA's Secretary-General, and Frank Schimmelfennig, @IEP_Berlin's Chairman of the Academic Advisory Board

#PPCBerlin is our first ever virtual PPC because of #COVID19, which is why our cooperation with @IEP_Berlin has been valuable in taking this unexpected context into account 💪

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TEPSA submits RECOMMENDATIONS to every new @EUCouncil Presidency 🇩🇪🇪🇺

➡️➡️➡️#EU2020DE have received 4⃣

@FundaTekin17 from @IEP_Berlin gives here introduction

@GermanyInTheEu @parleu2020de @AuswaertigesAmt @GermanyDiplo

1⃣Supporting the EU’s Economic Recovery

@michelemchang from @collegeofeurope suggests THREE main recommendations:

🗣️Support the Recovery and Resilience Facility
💶Create a budgetary instrument for convergence and competitiveness
🏦Change the mandate of the @ecb
2⃣ Climate Change and Sustainability

@gaby_um from @EuropeanUni want #EU2020DE to:

🍃Implement the European Green Deal
🗣️Engage in climate diplomacy
📜Push forward the new EU #Climate Law
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"Wir werden #Mobilität in 🇪🇺moderner & innovativer gestalten. Der #NewMobilityApproach wird unsere Antwort auf den #GreenDeal der @EU_Commission. #Klimaschutz, #Mobilität & #Digitalisierung müssen zusammen gedacht werden." BM @AndiScheuer #EU2020DE #Ratspräsidentschaft (1/13)
(2/13)🇪🇺"Wir müssen aus der #Coronakrise lernen & gemeinsam gestärkt herausgehen. Der Mobilitätssektor muss für künftige Pandemien besser gerüstet sein. Die #EU-Mitgliedstaaten sind auf einen guten grenzüberschreitenden Waren-/ Güterverkehr angewiesen." BM @AndiScheuer #EU2020DE
(3/13)"Wir brauchen den Waren-/Gütertransport🚊🚢✈️ 🚛 um alle mit lebenswichtigen Arzneimitteln, Lebensmitteln, etc. zu versorgen. Für mich gelten daher 2 Regeln für #EU2020DE: Verkehr + Logistik ...
🇪🇺sind systemrelevant
🇪🇺& müssen europäisch gedacht werden." BM @AndiScheuer
Read 13 tweets

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