We know how many #COVID19 deaths Vallance claimed he believed would be a good outcome
I can now reveal how many deaths SAGE believed would represent the best & worst scenarios👇#BreakingNews
Their best scenario was 6,000.
We’ve already exceeded their worst scenario...& it’s only July! assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl…

Vallance's "20,000 deaths is a good outcome" comments were on 17 March
On 16 March, @neil_ferguson had warned 250,000 deaths without any action
If you'd like to understand the numbers, check👇
A mitigation strategy (otherwise known as #HerdImmunity) would require limited lockdown so as not to not to overwhelm the NHS.
This document explains it.

This means care home & home deaths were not considered.
Were the modellers told a “protective ring” would be thrown around care homes & they could be excluded from models?
Did the govt really think care homes would be shielded?
Is it possible they didn’t mind if the modellers to "got it wrong"?
An answer is also perhaps contained in the same document.👇
But the transfer of patients from hospitals to care homes without #COVID19 tests was already govt policy.
On 5/5 @Jeremy_Hunt asked Vallance if they “decided not to model what death rates would be with track & trace model b/c you didn’t have testing capacity?”
“I can't remember” he replied.
But lessons haven’t been learned.
The govt must show us their predictions for the 2nd/3rd waves & must widen SAGE participation.
"Is the objective still to let #coronavirus flow through the population & just to stay within NHS capacity?" she asks.
This document it reveals it is: #HerdImmunity strategy.
In reality about 70% of Britons followed the rules. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8…
Like UK, Netherlands are also pursuing a #HerdImmunity strategy, also called “mitigation”.👇
2) Does fact lockdown measures were timed to prevent ICU capacity being overwhelmed explain delay btw 16 - 23 March. They wanted infections but not too many.
3) Where’s the modelling for the next waves?
#HerdImmunityScandal #COVID19 #SuperSaturday #PubsOpening