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Jan 5th 2021
JOURNALIST: Why, after 10 months, are there still no checks at airports?

@BorisJohnson: will be bringing in measures ensure that we...err...test people coming into this country & prevent the re-admitted.

@piersmorgan last July👇
The PM, #BorisJohnson, also says at the start of his answer👆
“Just to repeat, schools are safe” on the same day he just introduced a new #lockdown & shut down schools because they’re not safe.
#Lockdown3 #schoolclosures #COVID19 #coronavirus #HerdImmunityScandal #covidbriefing
#BorisJohnson makes clear his strategy is sometimes to PRETEND not to know what's going on so that when he ACTUALLY doesn’t know, people won’t be able to tell the difference

The trouble is that we can ALL tell

Is the #BumblingStrategy really govt policy?
Read 8 tweets
Dec 22nd 2020
The Prime Minister of Britain
In this clip👆, @BorisJohnson tries to laugh it off - a tactic that has worked for him all his life - but then he realises no one is laughing any more

We know he ruffled his hair just before the briefing

We know he doesn’t believe what he says

It’s not funny. It’s sinister.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
“It is easier for an expectant father to go to the pub or go grouse shooting than to attend his own baby's growth scans"

Catherine McKinnell asks @BorisJohnson about lack of support for new mums.

For a man who doesn’t do detail, Q&As area hell for the PM
When @BorisJohnson is asked about violating intn’l law he reacts as if he’s being told off for running in the corridor.

In 1982, his teacher wrote: “Boris sometimes seems affronted when criticised for what amounts to a gross failure of responsibility.”
When @bernardjenkin points out that the PM has only appeared twice before the #LiasonCommittee, @BorisJohnson shows his irritation.

Asks if he will “fulfil his obligation” to appear again, he makes jokes & prevaricated.

His #BumblingStrategy is becoming all too transparent.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 27th 2020
“When you’ve been struggling with a concept you cannot get, like the supine stem of confetti or nuclear fusion or whether it’s morally justifiable to use herd immunity to create the conditions to usher in a new era of bio intrusive surveillance & control.”
“You’re representing all of up there & you’re coming across like some posh coked-up narwhal”

This isn’t the first time that @BorisJohnson has misread the room

Unfortunately, in this clip👇, the room happened to be the Assembly Hall of the United Nations.
“The most sophisticated tyrannies are ones that have a showman as their frontman. Clown or blowhard. Jester or villain. The type of showman doesn’t matter. Their audience will love them just the same." (Emerson Warner, 1949) #BorisJohnson #BumblingStrategy
Read 4 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
A month ago, I posted the @JohnsHopkins graph on #COVID19 deaths per head of population👇

The UK way ahead

“England” would be even further ahead

The US was in 2nd place

In their latest graph, the UK is still way on top.

The US has slipped to 13th. Image
This is not a skit!

@jonathanvswan: “Oh, you’re doing death as a proportion of cases. I’m talking about death as a proportion of population.

@realDonaldTrump: “You can’t do that.”

Why isn’t PM grilled on mortality rate which is FAR higher in UK than US?
Look at the graphs they give to @realDonaldTrump - simplified so much that even a kindergartener could understand them. #coronavirus #COVID19 #ABCTest ImageImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
1) Ystdy, in order to explain what the PM had really meant when he said care homes "didn't really follow the procedures", No.10 said "the extent of asymptomatic transmission wasn’t known.”

@Dr_PhilippaW asked him about it on 11/3, & on 22/4 Hancock said👇
2). It’s true that we didn't know the exact extent of asymptomatic spread, but @MattHancock said on 22 April it was “very significant”.

"The scientific evidence DOES show that asymptomatic transmission occurs & that is one of the very significant challenges this virus presents."
3). On 9 April, Patrick Vallance said 30-50% of those infected by coronavirus could be asymptomatic carriers.

This was at a time when people were being transferred from hospitals to care home without testing.

20,000 care home residents died of #COVID19
Read 24 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
Boris Johnson is not a ‘bumbling loveable buffoon’.

He uses this persona as a front for deflecting scrutiny, avoiding questions & building his Teflon brand.

At this time more than ever, we need serious journalism with journalists to ask serious questions about serious issues. Image
GLEN OWEN: So you’re feeling fully recovered, Prime Minister?

JOHNSON: Braaaah! Phwaar! I can jolly well show you if you like!

How on earth does an interview with the PM at a time of national crisis & what should be national mourning, end up with @BorisJohnson doing press ups? Image
Bumbling is his strategy.

“He put on a buffoon mask to become a celebrity, & now he can’t take it off.”
(J Lanchester, 2008)

“He seems to know that if we’re chuckling at him, we’re not likely to be thinking hard about his agenda, or doing anything to counter it.” (J Coe, 2013).
Read 26 tweets

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