No.10 claims he meant the procedures because “the extent of asymptomatic transmission wasn’t known.”

@KayBurley: You can't stick this on the scientists
@Helen_Whately: Well, I can
Hancock told #Marr ystdy the reason 25,000 people were moved from hospitals to care homes without being tested is because “we didn’t know about asymptomatic transmission”
Carers “followed the govt guidance to the letter”
Asymptotic transmission was know about & even symptomatic people were being transferred.
On 26 February, @Dr_PhilippaW asked @MattHancock: “As I have previously said, I am concerned about not self-isolating asymptomatic people."
@MattHancock: "I do not recognise some of her clinical observations."

Mark Adams, CEO of the charity Community Integrated Care.
He also says testing in care homes only began in mid-May.
This isn’t true.
@mrdanwalker should have challenged him on this just as #Marr should have challenged @MattHancock when he made
the same erroneous claim
A govt paper discussed it on 28 Jan.
On 9 April, Patrick Vallance said 30-50% of those infected by coronavirus could be asymptomatic carriers.
Journalists, please take note.
Everyone was talking about it.
On 13 March, Trump was reminded that Dr Fauci had warned of asymptomatic spread.