Some right wingers condemned them as "siding with the left."

He says he's here to protect the rally. I asked him how he feels about armed Black Panther groups here, and he says "we're all good with it... we're all on the same side in the end."
He encouraged unity, despite noting that he "may have supported Obama" while people in the crowd largely support Trump.
He says, "The only one that's bothering us is the government" for COVID-era restrictions on work.
The cops scolded the Proud Boy.
A journalist (who also had an @iww card he showed me later) tried to step in against the Proud Boy.
Militia guys separated them.
As police formed a line between the two sides, Boogaloo guys largely marched with / physically sided with the left.
"You feel like all lives matter... But are y'all the ones getting shot?"
The Proud Boy claims "more of us get killed than you," apparently referring to white people versus Black people.
"My balls are bigger!" replies the Proud Boy.
Ok, moving on.
I think the distinction between the conservative and libertarian mindset, and why the boogaloo people tend to not think of themselves as "on the right" is demonstrated here.
Boogaloos make fun of the guy, and say he's probably confused. One says he stood with BLM on the front lines during recent protests in Detroit.
Some boogaloo activists stuck with them, raising their fists in solidarity with one speech.
Antifa guy: "We all really want the same thing-"
Boogaloo guy: "We do."
Antifa: "The fucking government gone."
Boog: "And a better one in its place."
"One that protects us all."
As always, all raw footage available for license.
Armed Right Wingers, Antifa, Police, and BLM face off in Columbus, Ohio