O site #Breitbart é um desses veículos de desinformação, cujo objetivo é político-cultural. Teve papel ativo na eleição de #Trump e se notabiliza por disseminar #teoriasconspiratórias. Cresceu muito, mas perdeu espaço com o movimento de+
Do New York Times:
Information contagion
Sinclair Broadcast Group recently published an online interview with a conspiracy theorist (popular.info/p/congressman-…)+
Why is the U.S. enduring a far more severe virus outbreak than any other rich country?
There are multiple causes, but one of them is the size and strength of right-wing media organizations that+
Canada, Japan and much of Europe have no equivalent to Sinclair — whose local newscasts reach+
Fox is particularly+
Another factor creating confusion: The lack of an aggressive response to virus+
Twitter took a slightly more aggressive step yesterday, putting temporary limits on the account of Donald Trump Jr. (nytimes.com/2020/07/28/bus…)+
Imagens: uacrisis.org/en/top-conspir…
Artigo do NYT: “The Morning”, July 29, 2020.

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