1/ Acknowledging the critical role of #SocialProtection (SP) in preventing people from falling into poverty & food insecurity as a consequence of the #COVID19 crisis, countries in the #MENA region have implemented a variety of SP measures.
3/ Certain groups in #MENA are particularly vulnerable: about 2/3 of the pop. work in the #InformalSector, with limited access to SP. #Refugees and #IDPs face overcrowded living conditions and insufficient WASH and health services, many are dependent on UN agencies for SP.
4/ Over half of the 195 Gov. and UN measures mapped were related to #InKind or #CashTransfers (CTs). Most countries also employed other instruments to support HHs, such as decreasing or waiving utility bills or rent payments, as well as providing zero/low interest #loans.
5/ While some countries expanded existing CTs, others introduced new temporary schemes. CTs are particularly important for informal and #DailyWorkers who were severely impacted by the loss of jobs. See #Jordan (bit.ly/3kTfJzC) and #Morocco (bit.ly/2Cy6V0D).
7/ #ForeignWorkers are often disproportionately affected by job losses, putting them at risk of falling into irregular status. In addition to providing basic #SocialAssistance services, some Gulf States exempted these workers from the payment of overstay penalties.
8/ Regarding formal workers, countries such as Jordan (bit.ly/3kRZLWu) and Tunisia (bit.ly/3h5gLWZ) chose to support the payment of #wages for those whose employers had suspended or reduced labor activities due to #lockdown.
9/ Many countries implemented design tweaks to #SocialProtection programmes to adapt to the #pandemic, using e.g. online platforms or SMS for registration, and converting school meals into cash, as also done in other regions. See bit.ly/348BbKQ.
10/ As the duration of #TemporaryAssistance comes to an end, it is important to follow how governments will use their COVID-19 #SPresponses to better prepare for future shocks. For instance, Morocco has decided to speed up the development of the #SPsystem: bit.ly/346da7c
1/14 Over the last weeks #LatinAmerica has seen a rapid increase in the number of cases and deaths due to #COVID19 (especially in Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Ecuador) with 1.2M confirmed cases in the region on June 7.
2/14 Since March countries in the region have adopted emergency #socialprotection measures to support those mostly affected by the pandemic. These interventions are being assessed by @uniceflac and @IPC_IG through a series of technical notes. Read: bit.ly/30y3mkX.
3/14 Emergency #CashTransfers are a core element of government responses. By mid-May, at least 19 countries had used them to mitigate #COVID19 impacts on those more vulnerable to the shock, by either adapting existing programmes &/or creating new temporary schemes. See table:
1/14 De acordo com a @WHO, no final de maio a América do Sul se tornou o novo epicentro da pandemia de #Covid19. O #Brasil tem o maior número de casos (584.016) e óbitos (32.548) com dados de sexta-feira, 5 de junho. Veja bit.ly/3gweT9X.
1/14 According to @WHO, at the end of May South America has become the new epicentre of #COVID19 pandemic. #Brazil has the highest number of cases (411,821) and deaths (25,598) as of Friday 29 May. See bit.ly/3gweT9X.
1. #SriLanka has been successful in its fight against #COVID19 w/ only 9 deaths and 1,027 cases confirmed as of 18 May. The gov. quickly mobilized resources through a special fund and strengthened state-funded universal health care services @WHOSEARO. See tinyurl.com/y7pbpfcy
@WHOSEARO 2. It adopted a strict curfew on 20 March, reaching an Oxford #StringencyIndex of 100 with the closure of business and schools and adoption of curfew. Lately, the country has relaxed some of these measures with a view to reopening business @uniofoxford. bit.ly/2WI57JW
1 En Janvier 2019, la Tunisie a voté une loi réformant son système d’assistance sociale et a établi l’Amen Social. Le nouveau registre social est la clé de voute du système qui va être mis en place pour assurer un revenu minimum aux plus pauvres. Cf. bit.ly/2WESNIS
2 Le nouveau registre a été fait sur le précédent utilisé pour identifier l’éligibilité au PNAFN/AMG1, un #transfertmonétaire + soins gratuits pour les ménages pauvres dont le chef ne pouvait pas travailler ; et à l’AMG2 – une assurance subventionnée pour les ménages vulnérables.
3 Une étude du CRES – un centre d’investigation tunisien – de 2019 sur la faisabilité d’un #seuildeprotectionsociale en Tunisie a montré que 34,7% de la population en âge actif n’avait pas de sécurité de revenu. CF. tableau 4 de leur publication : bit.ly/2zjEeTm
1 Le 7 Mai, en #Tunisie, 1025 cas de #COVID19 étaient confirmés. Le pays y a répondu avec un confinement poussé du 22 mars au 3 mai, avec un Oxford Stringency Index de 90,61. Le confinement a eu un fort effet négatif sur l’emploi et le revenu des ménages.