Especially if Dominic Cummings is behind the wheel!
#schoolsreopening #Corona #COVID19 #BackToSchool
12/3 - Contact tracing halted
26/3 - Harries says community testing is “not an appropriate mechanism”
5/5 - Harries changes her story
But the govt had claimed otherwise for 6 weeks!
He couldn’t!
@BorisJohnson’s answer to this simple question show a deeply disturbing lack of knowledge
But theses voices were largely ignored.
Only a handful of journalists (like @piersmorgan) spoke out.
That week, @LFC played Real Madrid & 250,000 people went to the Cheltenham Festival.
@BorisJohnson: “What [the scientists] are telling me is, slightly counter-intuitively, things like closing schools & stopping big gatherings don’t work as well perhaps as people think.”
The UK was WOEFULLY underprepared despite the warnings from intn’l scientists, intelligence reports & our own #ExerciseCygnus.
Next time Jenny Harries & govt ministers draw comparisons btw the danger of kids going to school & traffic accidents, please point out 👆& refer to👇(our safe #school guide - developed with experts & based on recent research.…
"Children very rarely get severe disease...When children do get infection it is usually very mild & sometimes asymptomatic. And so the overall risk to the child themselves is very very small."
The key words: "asymptomatic" & "themselves"
But she fails to answer the question: "Is is currently safe to open schools."
Instead she answers the question "Are our children at risk of dying from #COVID19?"
Acknowledgment asymptomatic infection, shows she's aware of the danger.

Why didn’t the journalist say: “But I’m not talking about the threat to the child. Science shows asymptomatic children have the SAME viral load as adults severe #COVID cases.”?…
For a child to think they might be responsible for the death of a parent or grandparent is a burden too huge for their young shoulders.
It's something to add to the growing list for the 2022 Public Inquiry

@UnderCovid Safe School Guide (including a sample letter)…
@ContainmentNow Infopack ……
CDC advice…
WHO advice…

The Under Covid twitter account is @Under_Covid
The unbroken link for the @WHO March 2020 "Key Messages & Actions for #COVID19 Prevention & Control in Schools" is here - #BackToSchool2020 #schoolsreopening #coronavirus #COVID #COVID_19…