Great description of "homely" team where the health of staff was prioritised by the manager and colleagues "had each others' backs".
4:05 - 4:15
Contrasted with a workplace where in response to a toxic workplace culture she was "given the message" that "their was something wrong me", creating a "deep sense of shame".
On the #toxic culture of "work harder" "give more" and the damage it causes to #Mentalhealth professionals.
Compared with #compassion focused cultures where "we take #care of ourselves, we take care of each other whilst we take care of the people we're seeing."
12:12 - 13:10
On responses for colleagues on #returntowork after personal leave and the role of work pressure in destroying #compassion between staff.
15:40 - 16:58
On moving from "doing mode" to the "nurture zone" in mental health workplaces and "bringing teams together" to "take care of each other".
"Until you or a relative experience it, it's another world [...] If you're sectioned you lose your rights, and things get done to you...
...I think it really changed my life."
On the influence of experiencing involuntary treatment on his career.
2:35 - 3:05
"When I managed to return to education I thought, "I want to make a difference" and go back into the #mentalhealth system and promote a more listening approach...
I know I'm a little behind but loved catching up on this episode today.
Particularly like Dr Schreiber's reflections on the implications of "us and them" between service users and professionals, for the quality of public #mentalhealth services.
On recognising the double-edged nature of our personal qualities. How qualities that predispose us to mental health difficulties might also be strengths.
11:43 - 12:25
On how personal experiences of #stigma towards disability and #Ableism motivated him to work with people with learning disabilities.
Great conversation around the intersections of #mentalhealth#stigma and structural #racism and bring our whole selves to our work as mental health professionals
Definitely worth watching the whole 40 minutes but highlights for me... 1/7