On now, Dave Perkins of @dialogues360 presenting results of study on 5 #ASMecosystems in #SouthAfrica. #Data variability is a persistent research challenge and also needs coordination across partners in the ecosytem. @DelveASM confirms this as a problem of global scale.
Cost of compliance, lack of access to capital, markets & weakened institutional support to #ASM sector in #SouthAfrica are validated as barriers in this sector. Impact of these factors pale in comparison to the policy/ reg vacuum w/in whichsector operates. Policy schizophrenia.
.@dialogues360 argues, and I concur, that time is of the essence in influencing the new policy process launched by the government of #SouthAfrica on formalizing the #ASM sector, ideally convened by a neutral, honest broker party.
Diverse stakeholders, representing views across different scale of #governance speak to challenges and opportunities identified in the research. Moderated by #IngridWatson@WitsUniversity.
@bashangovender speaking to issues in West rand area asserts that organized syndicates preclude formal development. For ex. Regulatory processes around mine closure have been derailed altogether. Assets stripped and not possible to recover costs to remediate land. @dialogues360
Kogthatso Nhlengetwa, Imbokodo Mining Services argues new policy must include indigenous perspectives, implementable at grassroots, collaboratively builds on what is happening and existing organizations like NUM, scientific bodies and must feed formalization with clear vision.
Lucien Limarcher: exclusion of #migrant#ASM miners in proposed policy reform could heighten tensions that already exist. Amount of legislation that needs to be reviewed in context of permitting scheme is massive, Environmental Assessment, #OSHA, Water Act etc cannot be ignored.
.@WitsGeos May Hermanus states that existing legislation isn't suited to #ASM at all, esp from #health & #safety. Ore bodies & geological conditions can indicate risks of slope collapse/ respiratory hazards and water pollution. Granularity is needed.
.@benchmarks16 Chris Molebatsi presses for efforts to ensure focus on criminality does not fuel xenophobic tendencies towards fellow Africans. @dialogues360 webinar on #ASM dynamics in #SouthAfrica. Gvt must work w/ #civil#society to understand local conditions better.
Kgothatso Nhlengetwa points out thag prnciples of #Ubuntu can incentivize #ASM miners to embrace formalization and to move away from criminal syndicates. Collaborative mapping projects are key. @dialogues360
.@benchmarks16 David Van Wyk notes that big mining companies may exit when a mineral deposit is no longer viable at large scale, but this deposit could still offer value for small scale miners. Policy reform needs to think about a continuum from mine closure to the #ASM space.
.@WitsGeos@WitsUniversity's May Hermanus offers a tour de force recap of a very rich discussion on the complex & layered policy landscape of #ASM in #SouthAfrica to round out @dialogues360 convened webinar. Check out the recording when available.
.@dialogues360 Tracey Cooper closes webinar with call to action for tackling issues with more depth. Continued collaboration is welcome via partnership between @WitsUniversity Mining Institute & MD360 to coordinate policy response.