To think that nullifying the rural states by abolishing the #ElectoralCollege was going to solve anything other than manifesting a liberal leadership for decades (as Trump did by nominating #ACB for #SupremeCourt), is to ignore the consquences of the urban-rural migration. 1/X
As all the jobs like in the great cities, people move to the cities. The first consequence: Cities bloat, ready to implode because space is finite. The only action is to expand outwards, while prices downtown skyrocket. In the meantime, the | 2/X
rural areas decay because there are too few people to hire, while everyone is pilgrimaging to the cities. Without jobs, people seek relief elsewhere, such as in drugs, or otherwise become unemployed or criminal. For most, though, they just turn citywards too, leaving behind | 3/X
the last men and women who have a job to hustle through day by day. Life may be good, but for some, they feel let down by left-leaning POTUSes who care for the urbanites and their issues, forgetting about those in the West between the West coast and, say, New England. To | 4/X
abolish the Electoral Colleges, while it would be reasonable to fulfil the promise of a rulership by the people and only the people, rather than electoral men, would it make possible to abandon vast parts of the nation and focus solely on the metropolis of SanFran or NYC. | 5/X
Such electoral “honey pots” could secure a victory in a general election, but vast parts are going to fall off the rim, into oblivion.
Is this just? Only when we believe the paramount to be to serve the majority of the people, and if they all cramp into the cities, then | 6/X
there is no use in minding about the heartland. 'Let them fall into oblivion, let them vote Republican until there is no longer any Republican to vote for, and let them be racists, sexists and whatever etiquette fits! What would we care?' Such paroles are easy to exclaim as | 7/X
they come with no responsibility; there are going to be no consequences for uttering such malicious words, and this is the whole problem already: Because there is so much hatred bundled in the heartland, it is allegedly appropriate to counter that hatred with equal hatred. 8/X
No-one bothers to investigate the origins of this hatred, although it is the elephant in the room: The existential dread of this living space's desertion. Its deterioration. Pete Buttigieg was one of the presidential candidates I noticed to think about its improvement. | 9/X
Maybe the other candidates showed similar interest in flyover country, but then at least I didn't notice. Prove me wrong. But his background as a mayor of a near-forsaken town shows. How many more modern-day POTUSes had a rural background? | 10/X
Few to none. Most of them came from an ivy-league background, Bernie Sanders at least seemed to prefer a modest lifestyle, although I heard that he owned a mansion or anything like this.
Anyway, unless future POTUSes minded the other side of the US, they are only going | 11/X
willingly and consciously further the division between rural and urban America. And while racial justice, uncertainty about the future in terms of climate and the economy are indeed repugnant issues of our time, they are by far not the only ones. The future of the rural | 12/X
is important as well, and by no lesser means. We could link it to issues such as climate change and affordable living space as well, without elaborating on it now. But solar power plants could easily be built in rural areas where the sun shines for sufficient hours to draw | 13/X
profits from it, not speaking about the jobs it creates.
To abandon the electoral college is to think short-sighted and abandon plentiful people too inhabiting the US. But if there should be incentives to move Westwards also meant to water down the Conservative siege. | 14/X
AT least the Left should avoid furthering a division that leads towards the decline not of Capitalism but of the solidary society. It could enforce Trumpian candidates in all ranks.
I know what the results are supposed to tell us, but still I am sceptical about what those who said that they were disillusioned by #Democracy might think about their desired future outlook, what should change and how this change should be achieved.
Of course not every person who says that it rated Liberal Democracy rather negative prefers authoritarian or generally totalitarian structures; but we do have a tendency towards incentives that could require a more proactive state with further duties and rights to intervene in
society (surveillance, police state) and the market (Socialism at worst).
As I said, not everyone falls through this riposte, not everyone would like to see a Big Brother or a GUlag-building totalitarian who sent rich people off because they are rich.
But we clearly walk into
What I cannot understand is that some people still seem to believe that the elections in #Belarus are going to proceed justly and with equal chances to every candidate running for president in this country, so that #lukashenko had any reason to really feel nervous. This election
is going to be as farcical as any election in the #DPRK has always been. If Lukashenko really showed signs of nervousness, he pretends, to uphold a façade of fairness and equality in this race for president.
are wrong to insist anything into the direction of an election that saw him in a chance to lose it. He had opponents arrested as had #Putin in #Russia. Of course Lukashenko is dependent on Putin's support, and likewise does Putin favour allies ruling over post-Soviet nations.
Wann können wir eigentlich endgültig und einstimmig behaupten, dass die Auswüchse der neuen #BLM-Bewegung eindeutig aus den Ruder laufen und sich nur noch lächerlich machen?
Ich meine: Selbst, wenn sie gute Intentionen dahinter hätten, stoßen sie mit
solchen Aktionen keine Debatte an, und werden auch niemanden zum Umdenken bewegen. Sie werden einige Statuen aus dem Weg geräumt haben )die nicht mal im Weg standen, oder irgendjemanden zum Rassisten machten, bekannte Persönlichkeiten wegen ihres Rassismus huldigten, ihren
Rassismus guthießen oder relativierten — egal, was man sich vorstellen mag in dieser Verbindung, findet nicht statt und fand so auch nie statt. Was dagegen erzielt wird, ist, dass die Gesellschaft am Ende noch weiter gespalten wird, weil man behauptet, dass junge urbane Linke nur
It's this particular environment that endangers critical journalism, and it's this particular environment that led towards Ján Kuciak's murder, as well as Daphne Galizia's. I really hope that it won't happen thrice.
doesn't want to forfeit its raison d'être. What I mean by this is: If it cannot assure the security of journalists in its participating countries, then we can as well question its existence altogether. It's not all about free trade, we have to lecture our black sheep too; what
good is such power to tranquilly intervene in “proto-authoritarian” countries if you won't use it? Under such circumstances, we don't need to perform military interventions, we should use this calmness. The Slovenian government still has got a choice: Comply, or feel the
As it seems, not everyone is fine with the bailout package that passed the Senate. I too cannot understand why we cannot let the market function like a normal biota: What is about to die shall die and rot. No need to put it on a lifeline.
Of course #COVID19 is an extraordinary incident having had crushed all preparation if it had been there, and of course no company can withstand for a longer time if forcefully put on utter inactivity. But perhaps it's those concerns considered “too big to fail” that have buried
the Capitalist ideal—instead of companies traditionally winning and failing on the market, thus living on, or dying out and fading away, there are companies having lived for so long and having become so large that their death could lead towards a chain reaction of collateral
Ohne unnötig Panik zu schüren sollte man sich wohl allmählich fragen, wohin die Situation wegen #covid_19DE steuert: Heute Morgen gab es ja bereits die Meldung, dass Minister Spahn (endlich) dem föderalistischen Flickenteppich ein Ende setzen wollte, nachdem ja auch Bayern einen
Alleingang bestreiten wollte —… —, hat wenig später auch das #RKI eine hilfreiche Kooperation mit der Telekom abgeschlossen, um die Leute auf Schritt und Tritt zu verfolgen, wenn auch anonymisiert:…. Mit Verlaub sollte man sich wohl
fragen, ob wenigstens nicht das Zweite zu weit geht. Die erste Maßnahme war zweifellos notwendig, da das Land ansonsten auf keinen grünen Ast bezüglich der Bekämpfung des Virus kam. Aber die Menschen anhand ihrer Handydaten zu verfolgen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie ja nicht