I'll add somewhat random observations in the format: quote + quip in this thread.
The order should not be taken as signifying anything in terms of priorities of the report etc..
Shout out to @Ulkoministerio, who in their feed highlight continuity, predictability and long-term perspective as keys of Finnish foreign & security policy (F&SP) which is based on a human rights framework + coop on global challenges within int'l rules based order.
"The Province of Åland Islands has a recognised status under international law. This does not prevent Finland from intensifying its defence cooperation with various actors. "
--> "Russia, don't even...Fin+Swe forces will be there to sink you."
Goal of Finland's foreign and security policy is to "strengthen Finland’s international
position, to secure its independence and territorial integrity..."
-->note section about taking national action to prevent emergence of armed conflicts, this is a daily & long-term endeavour.
Operating environment of Finnish foreign & security policy:
Big states & tech, climate change & pandemics are screwing things up, too many aren't following rules, thus our region is a colder place.
The EU "is a successful peace project, a unique economic and political alliance and a significant global economic actor....The EU has remained united when facing challenges such as Brexit. Similarly, the EU has been consistent on the sanctions against Russia" #micdrop BoJo & Vova
Yet, "Within the Union, there are shortcomings in the compliance with the basic values of the EU, such as the rule of law."
--> Here's looking at you, kid(s in democracy, Poland and Hungary #GrowUp)
"Defence cooperation between Finland and Sweden has [no] pre-set restrictions...is intense and wide-ranging and it covers all sectors..." is followed by "Another feature the countries have in common is that they do *not belong to a military alliance*."
but..but..syntax error ;-)
"The increased operations and presence of NATO and the US in the Baltic countries and Poland have enhanced stability in the Baltic Sea region. The US commitment to the European defence is of great importance for the security of the whole of Europe."
--> FACT.
Then Russian actions are described thus:
"Russia has weakened the security of our neighbouring areas and Europe by illegally annexing Crimea and by keeping up the conflict it started in Eastern Ukraine... the country has lowered its threshold to use military force."
--> Appreciate the poetic nature & flourishes, and can imagine delivery of this in soaring oratory; it is just aching for a call & response: "Strengthening Finnish security" - 'YesWEcan!"
"Despite the increasingly tense international situation, Finland is not under any immediate military threat."
--> True, when 'immediate' is taken literally...yet, FAF always has armed jets in readiness, Navy is out year round + Army's spearhead units on mission w in a few hrs.
...which is expressed thus: "Finland must prepare for the use or the threat of use of military force against it."
--> Yes, that's a nice way of describing consistent development of stronger military deterrence within larger societal resilience structures.
Considering the above, why was this necessary? "If subjected to an armed attack, Finland will defend itself
in accordance with the UN Charter."
--> Of course we will, and others are welcome to help too... (is that the point of this sentence?)
Then comes this Cold War era gem: "#Finland will not allow the use of its territory for hostile purposes against other states."
--> WTF, really? really? It's 2020 now. ...having just published a paper on long-range strike, has gov't thought about what this would actually entail?
"...the option to provide and receive international assistance will remain an important part of Finland's defence capability."
--> capability is something you have on hand. Int'l assistance remains an option - which may or may not be 'underwater' when the time comes. #turpo
"The defence cooperation between Finland and Sweden covers times of peace, crisis and war."
--> A 'fleet-in-being' capability exists. For more, read this:
"when participating in any NATO Article 5 exercises Finland's role is only that of a partner country."
--> Like this one time in #TridenJuncture, we practiced defending...and got ourselves 'a little pregnant'. I'm sure all our (#turpo) neighbours understand.
"The United States is an important and close partner for Finland....Finland will continue its defence cooperation, with the US with an aim to strengthen the national defence and interoperability..."
--> FACT and that cooperation is much deeper than this even suggested in here.
"For the EU and Finland, China is, at the same time, a cooperation partner, an economic competitor and a systemic rival."
--> The paragraph above this (p33) is artfully written; filling in the 'between the lines' would take up many pages.
Cudos @sauerka & Co.
@mentions@sauerka On UK: "Alongside the EU-level solution, the bilateral relations and commercial and economic cooperation will be strengthened."
--> Interesting that the military cooperation bit was left out of here, but elsewhere and probably in upcoming #defence white paper (2021).
@mentions@sauerka "Finland...acknowledges that it is necessary to react to hybrid actions, such as hostile cyber activities, through public attribution."
--> First checkpoint passed, public attribution as reaction to hostile cyber...next step? Perhaps offensive cyber will be mentioned in 2030?
"Finland must also be prepared
for hybrid influencing practised under the guise of, for example, migration..."
--> Reference to 2015/16 Migration Proof of Concept: Russia threatened #Finland and showed it could turn the refugee tap on&off, depending on Finnish behavior. #turpo
"In its own [tech] solutions, Finland underscores the importance of trust, which applies to both hardware suppliers and the stakeholders behind them. The national solutions must support the building of trust in Finland as a cooperative international
--> paging China...
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1) @Puolustusvoimat released a trailer for an upcoming training video – Taistelukenttä 2020 – the other day. It depicts an escalating #turpo/#säkpol scenario. Some of my observations below (the videos are put together rather purposefully).
2) The video starts with a cyber or SOF operation to disturb electrical grid, and a “newsflash” on Finland being subjected to aggressive military and non-military operations --> std. thinking but good reminder that escalation doesn't 'build up to' mil force, it is integral to it.
3) at 0:15 “FDF begins mobilisation” – the political decision to do so would have many ramifications & could not be done in secret. However, prior to mob. FDF would have increased readiness and used instantly available forces...
1) National broadcaster @yleuutiset asked Finnish party heads about their security policy views (internal and external) - elections on April 14th - some thoughts on it:
Bottom line: Consensus is pretty broad on many issues.
2) there is some spread on whether current conscript/national service system should be changed. Interestingly some parties that frequently speak of #genderequality don't think it applies here. See potential opening for 'call up' for everyone but service still voluntary for women.
3) All parties oppose idea of easing sanctions placed on #Russia, due to ongoing war in #Ukraine.
--> This view will not change (even if individual parliamentarians sometimes flirt with the idea), it is too central to the position #Finland has staked out in EU.