Personally, I think that most #tech companies, espechally those that try to bend themselves as pro-#envoirmental like @Apple, are not even close in offsetting the footprint of their products when they purposefully design products to be unserviceable.
Everyone who says "#BoThSiDeS" can shove that phrase right up their backside, because of the @GOP using the turocharged capitalist equivalent to #warlordism in #congress and #senate, holding the entire nation as hostages for their reactionary bullshit!
And this "political #instability" and "#political uncertainty" is making the #USA a worse place to invest, conduct business in or with and to have to deal with in general.
So there's very low options and incentives for #fascists & #racists to quit.
@_SecondThought and since denying crimes against humainty [i.e. the Holocaust] is deemed 'just an opinion' in the U.S. and does not result in racists and facists getting fired or banned from businesses' premises, this does only worsen.