3. Make a ≈ 30 second selfie video and send it to: line3covidresponse@gmail.com for inclusion in a compilation that will be shared with President Biden before inauguration. For script ideas, see the following document
I have a few thoughts I'd like to offer about #vaccine acceptance. To my fellow (esp White) clinicians who are asking, "What are your strategies for convincing #BIPOC communities to take the #COVID19 vaccine?" this thread is for us…
First, I'd suggest that this is an unhelpful question & is racially problematic. It centers the holder of the mistrust as the target of the problem & intervention, not the system & history that caused the mistrust in the first place.
For more context on appropriately framing the source of the problem (system, history not mistrust), See the following thread from @DrJessIsomMDMPH: