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Jul 11th 2021
I can’t remember who said this, so I apologize, but the app -lication of #healthcare is not the answer to magically transforming the system. So many applications, portals, surveys…. They can assist but first a true cultural shift must be made in #healthcare. For this to be 1/
those working in system need to be supported. Currently our #healthcare system lays the burdens of the broken system at feet of #patients, #caregivers & healthcare professionals. So much must change. It must not be a system based on vulturism (I know not a word) of entities 2/
focused on making millions of dollars of the backs of those who are vulnerable. We have allowed this, we must change this. One persons voice I appreciate is @RepKatiePorter but others must understand the harm occurring. Our system is not functional. For some reason those 3/
Read 4 tweets
Jan 10th 2021
🗣 Calling all #HealthProfessionals! These brave MN med students are speaking out about the injustices against the #Indigenous community from the #Line3 project, which has global #climate & #EnvironmetalJustice implications.

Here are several ways they say you can help:

1. Add your voice as a health professional to the petition calling on @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris to #StopLine3…

2. Amplify the voices of @HonorTheEarth & @GiniwCollective by sharing/re-tweeting their messages that call on the new administration to #StopLine3

Read 8 tweets
Mar 4th 2020
1/11 Globally, the #COVID19 situation is evolving rapidly with close to 80 countries reporting cases. @WHO has stated that the actions countries take today will be the difference between a handful of cases and larger clusters. #coronavirus
2/11 To date in 🇨🇦, all cases of #COVID19 are related to—or close contacts of—travellers that visited #China, #Iran and #Egypt. However, the situation is evolving rapidly as provincial and territorial health authorities continue to investigate potential cases. #coronavirus
3/11 At this time in #Canada, there is no evidence of community spread of #COVID19. Even so, while our focus continues to be on containment to delay the onset of community spread, we are fully engaged in preparedness across the health system. #coronavirus
Read 11 tweets
Mar 3rd 2020
1/3 #HealthProfessionals: #PHAC and Canadian public health experts have developed guidance for public health authorities on the prevention and management of #COVID19 in schools and childcare settings🏫. #coronavirus…
2/3 This guidance focuses on #COVID19 containment and is based on the Cdn context & public health assumptions reflecting currently available scientific evidence and expert opinion. #coronavirus
3/3 #COVID19 public health guidance is subject to change as new information on transmissibility and epidemiology becomes available. For all #GoC updates on #COVID19:… #coronavirus
Read 3 tweets

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