11,000 Pages of Evidence Filed in Landmark #5G Case Against FCC | January 22
- A landmark case against the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) contests these statements and asserts that the harms are proven and that an #epidemic of sickness exists. thelibertybeacon.com/11000-pages-of…
Anna-Maja siirsi #kuntavaalit2021 hysteerisen @mapetti Excel -exponenttikäyrän perusteella, mutta vaatii jopa epidemilogista näyttöä liikkumisrajoituksien perusteeksi.
- Lääketieteellisiä perusteita ei ole saatu #rokote - ja #Maskipakko -hysteriallekaan. mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/oike…
Biden says he agrees Putin is "killer" (Video) | 17.03.21
Biden said Putin would "pay a price" for interfering in U.S. elections. unian.info/world/biden-u-…
Joe Biden says Russian President Vladimir Putin will 'pay a price' for meddling in US election | 1h ago
- Mr Biden said he does not think the Russian leader has a soul, and when asked if he thought Mr Putin was a killer, he told the broadcaster, "I do." abc.net.au/news/2021-03-1…
Biden: Putin will ‘pay a price’ for interfering in 2020 election | 03/17/2021
- Biden declined to elaborate on the consequences Putin would face, saying that “you’ll see shortly.”
- U.S. could “walk and chew gum at the same time”... politi.co/30OpZQO
Scientist Hancock ['MD'] says there is no evidence [pictured] AstraZeneca vaccine has caused blood clots
- Matt insisting there is no evidence the coronavirus jab has caused #bloodclots after some European nations halted its rollout. standard.co.uk/news/uk/matt-h…
Emer Cooke, the #EMA’s executive director, told a press briefing on Tuesday there was “no indication” that the vaccine was the cause of the “very rare” reported blood clots.
Before taking up her current #EMA role, Emer Cooke was the Director responsible for all medical product-related regulatory activities at the World Health Organization (#WHO) in Geneva between November 2016 and November 2020. ema.europa.eu/en/about-us/wh…
'#Oxford/#AstraZeneca the fastest and safest "vaccine" ever in break record time, cutting a normal process of 10 years to 1 maintaining all safety & efficacy' @THLorg
#Fimea: Suomi ei ainakaan toistaiseksi ole keskeyttämässä Astra Zenecan koronarokotteen käyttöä, vastuuta ei oteta – @Fimea: n ylilääkäri Maija Kaukonen @kmkaukonen: veritulppailmoituksia, 'signaaleja', on tehty yhdeksän yle.fi/uutiset/3-1183…
Turkey eyes directed-energy weapons (#DEW) as key priority | 2h ago
- “Drone warfare architecture may be the most critical operational use, especially for asymmetrical warfare inside Turkey or in cross-border operations [in Syria and Iraq],” Eksi said. defensenews.com/industry/techw…
- By attacking civilian targets, the perpetrators are violating the fourth Geneva convention and this constitutes a war crime