GOP Senators, It is not too late to save your souls. Respect the dead—who died protecting you. Do not hide your eyes. Do not suppress the truth. Do not mask the truth. Do REMEMBER. Do help our nation heal. Do say “Yes” to ACCOUNTABILITY.
Trial will not DIVIDE America. We ARE divided. It will heal us. How? 1. Evidence will bridge narrative gap. No common future without common memory. 2. Accountability will signal the #RuleOfLaw has not died. NO ONE is above the law. 3. #Governance Matters
400,000 souls
who lived
and breathed
and dreamed
and longed for peace
and worked for peace
and struggled with their own brokenness
and played
and cried
and we’re loved
and loved...
They were w/ us
One year ago.
400,000 images of God. #COVID
3/ We love you.
We acknowledge you.
We thank you.
You passed from our writhing world—unprepared. No goodbye. No “affairs in order”.
First, Questions: 1. What is your understanding of #CriticalRaceTheory? You never explain that--not in one word of your statement. Instead you say it stems from Marxist or secular thought and that's why you are denouncing it. I find that literally ignorant and ironic. 2/
That #CriticalRaceTheory was born of Marxist thought is ignorant. It came from African-American legal scholars in 1980s post-Civil Rights era. In wake of assassination of Dr. King, scholars like #DerrickBell#PatriciaWilliams examined impact of race on law. #CRT#CriticalRace 3/
2/ Rather than simply figuring out another breakfast or using another pan, I spent the entire day unpacking boxes (and not eating) in search for that pan, so that I could eat breakfast! I went to bed miserable, cranky and hungry; having eaten only one meal that day at about 7pm.
3/ The next day, I continued to search for that pan in the hope that I could use it to cook my favorite breakfast. Didn’t find it. And didn’t eat breakfast until 3pm. 🤦🏾♀️
1/ Dear White churches, Please do not say you are doing anti-racist work, if you are not willing to apply the call to love your neighbor to your politics.
2/ Politics is the decisions we make about how the polis will live together.
Brown, colonized, lynched Jesus has much to say about how the people should live together.
3/ Race, itself, is a #political construct; conceived by Plato in 360BC as a way to order society.
You CANNOT engage issues of race and muzzle yourself on issues of politics. You simply cannot. It is not possible. Race is a political instrument.
1/ You are missing the forest, by choosing to focus one one tree. Neo-Nazis were ordered to be on “stand-by” last night. #This is not about partisanship. This is setting the stage for a coup that leads to ethnic cleansing. #WAKEUP#Snapoutofit!
2/ Okay, so some staffer made a mistake, but RIGHT NOW @Hillsong has a choice to make. Will you remain silent; holding to policies that are INAPPROPRIATE in these circumstances? Or will you stand on your spiritual authority and speak what you know to be true? #Debates2020
3/ If you fail to speak, @Hillsong, you might as well be holding Trump’s mic when he calls neo-nazis to fill our polling stations and kill our democracy. #Debates2020
1/ There are 4 pp groups constantly referenced together in scripture. Theologian, Nicolas Wolterstorff, calls them “the quartet of the vulnerable.” Includes the widows, orphans, immigrants and the poor. Note: Immigrants would have also included their ethnic “other”— non-Hebrews.
2/ There was a time when God governed the people of Israel directly (Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy). That’s where we get the 10 Commandments and all the laws that come after. Through God’s public policy, we can see God priorities. #godlygoverance
3/ God consistently prioritizes the legal protection of the quartet of the vulnerable through public policies like the Gleaning Laws, laws on the treatment of immigrants, and the laws about The Sabbatical Year and The Year of Jubilee, among others. #godlygovernance