5/ Next, it’s important to find a good physical environment.
Find a place that is comfortable & quiet.
This is tough in a hospital.
Places I've used:
✅My office
✅End of the hallway
✅Empty team room, patient room, waiting room
✅Outside (benches, gardens)
6/ Before giving feedback, we should consider the appropriateness of the timing.
Although we should give feedback as close as possible to specific events, we need to ensure that our learner is in an *appropriate mental space* for feedback.
If not, we should modify our timing.
7/ When giving feedback, we should be SPECIFIC by providing examples.
This can be difficult.
It's easy to forget things.
To remedy this, I create a "note" on my phone and type in specific behaviors that I notice every day.
By the end of the month, I have a wealth of examples!
8/ Specificity makes it easier to give behavioral feedback, which promotes a #GrowthMindset
❌Avoid describing personal characteristics or inferences during feedback sessions, which promote a #FixedMindset
✅Rather, describe BEHAVIORS or ACTIONS that you noticed
9/ Feedback is most effective when you provide a mixture of “positive” & “negative” feedback.
However, consider using the terms below:
*⃣Reinforcing: “keep doing that” (i.e. positive)
*⃣Modifying: “avoid that, do this instead” (i.e. negative)
We will use these for our threads.
10/ So what’s the right mix of reinforcing & modifying feedback?
You should give more reinforcing than modifying feedback.