If you think this is the last time I am gonna bring this up you are mistaken
If you think it's gonna stay small and unnoticed you are betting against my perseverance
This video puts in plain language that #ActuallyAutistic critiques can't be ignored
"harm continues to be caused now and ableism is pervasive[in the ABA field]" vimeo.com/515409708
For Autistic people who can hide their differences there's often an incentive to be overly serious as being silly in the wrong situation leads to punishment; this makes others perceive us as emotionally strong people
My parents were told by professionals I would never be able to make friends, I would never hold down a job, I would never graduate or have kids
I think if they were honest they would say my life was not worth living by their standards, this is a common message to parents
The idea of filicide gets normalized in settings of professional psychiatry and support structure
Parents of disabled children are taught the feeling of wanting to kill your child is normal, that it’s ok to grieve the loss of an imaginary version of your child
These are pervasive ideas that have their root in the ideas of normativity and eugenics
Consistently when parents of disabled children are surveyed they are forthright about having thoughts of euthanasia and sterilization
This is a very good example of what’s wrong with PBS
NAS reinforces the advocate positions that improve the image of their organization, ignore negative feedback as to not reinforce it and possibly lead to more
If you don’t want to research this is a pretty good intro to PBS
The thing that surprised me most about ABA when I helped conduct it was the amount of dishonesty and manipulation towards parents
Once you accept behaviourism as fact it’s only natural you would use this manipulation in all aspects of your life, including running your non-profit
#Autism industry organizations will let you burn at the stake on their behalf to complete contracts
If they wanted this conflict to end they would make efforts to end it, letting Jeremy and Paula take the fall instead of just responding to critique and improving
Profit > People
Instead of properly phasing out behaviourism they are happy to let their parent advocate partners take the heat
“Whatever gets results” is the behaviourism model, harassment received on the orgs’ behalf is just a sacrifice in the name of greater control over profitable services
Are you angry with autistic advocates Jeremy and Paula for us sticking to our principles no matter what?
Why aren’t you angry at the org who instead of responding is letting you take the full front of our critique?!
We aren’t going to change, the only variable is your action