It makes sense that the first time #TheBachelor is a Black man the season ends with a painful conversation about race. The political construct of #race in the US was built in 1662 to answer the question of interracial children and marriage in VA and MD, respectively. 2/
In VA House of Burgess wanted to solve the riddle: What is status of mixed race children (products of white masters raping enslaved women).
MD Legislature wanted to stop flood of white immigrant women from falling in love and marrying enslaved African men...
Plus, more than 4000 lynchings were recorded in US after Civil War/Reconstruction (1877-1950); vast majority catalyzed by accusations against Black men that they raped, winked at, looked at a white woman. Think #EmmettTill
#TheBachelorABC has been running since 2002. It took 25 seasons to feature a Black man for a reason; because interracial sexual politics is the blood that courses through the beating heart of white patriarchy in the US.
#BatchelorNation thought it was just watching a tv show with a more tanned #batchelor. They were not. They were watching a season-long direct confrontation with the construct of race and multiple revelations of its impacts on Black men.
I commend .@mattjames919. Matt conducted himself in a manner and with the clarity worthy of the place he will hold in history. Even the haze of his final two days, we can now see was wisdom rising up and warning him to slow down.
I celebrate #TheBachelorABC humanization of facets of Black manhood simply by Introducing us to @mattjames919 family; his soft-hearted, hard-shelled, sharp, surviving brother and his absent father whose father was stolen from him by African colonization.
#RachelKirkconnell, Beloved, #MattJames inability to reunite on path to marriage is not cancellation. It is #reckoning w/ truth that you are simply not prepared to be wife of a Black man/mother of his children in 2021. Let your love move you to learn.
Devastating, revealing and hope-producing. #RaviZacharias was letch and liar. This leading evangelist was a leading deceiver/exploiter/abuser of women among evangelical men. But his org embraced the truth—about him. #silenceisnotspiritual 1/…
Evangelical women, this is how the betrayal happens. Women told to be pure, while leading evangelical men are filthy. They reek a foul stench that betrays their forays into hell (sexual abuse, exploitation and rape). #ravizacharias#anatomyofthebetrayal#silenceisnotspiritual 2/
Our faith is not about purity. It is about LOVE and mending the fallen brokenness BETWEEN all things (not OF all things). We are made in ima
GOP Senators, It is not too late to save your souls. Respect the dead—who died protecting you. Do not hide your eyes. Do not suppress the truth. Do not mask the truth. Do REMEMBER. Do help our nation heal. Do say “Yes” to ACCOUNTABILITY.
400,000 souls
who lived
and breathed
and dreamed
and longed for peace
and worked for peace
and struggled with their own brokenness
and played
and cried
and we’re loved
and loved...
They were w/ us
One year ago.
400,000 images of God. #COVID
3/ We love you.
We acknowledge you.
We thank you.
You passed from our writhing world—unprepared. No goodbye. No “affairs in order”.
First, Questions: 1. What is your understanding of #CriticalRaceTheory? You never explain that--not in one word of your statement. Instead you say it stems from Marxist or secular thought and that's why you are denouncing it. I find that literally ignorant and ironic. 2/
That #CriticalRaceTheory was born of Marxist thought is ignorant. It came from African-American legal scholars in 1980s post-Civil Rights era. In wake of assassination of Dr. King, scholars like #DerrickBell#PatriciaWilliams examined impact of race on law. #CRT#CriticalRace 3/
2/ Rather than simply figuring out another breakfast or using another pan, I spent the entire day unpacking boxes (and not eating) in search for that pan, so that I could eat breakfast! I went to bed miserable, cranky and hungry; having eaten only one meal that day at about 7pm.
3/ The next day, I continued to search for that pan in the hope that I could use it to cook my favorite breakfast. Didn’t find it. And didn’t eat breakfast until 3pm. 🤦🏾♀️
1/ Dear White churches, Please do not say you are doing anti-racist work, if you are not willing to apply the call to love your neighbor to your politics.
2/ Politics is the decisions we make about how the polis will live together.
Brown, colonized, lynched Jesus has much to say about how the people should live together.
3/ Race, itself, is a #political construct; conceived by Plato in 360BC as a way to order society.
You CANNOT engage issues of race and muzzle yourself on issues of politics. You simply cannot. It is not possible. Race is a political instrument.