6/. Asked in May why one of the key stated aims of govt #COVID19 strategy was changed from “preventing a second peak” to “avoid overwhelming the NHS”, @uksciencechief couldn’t recall
JH: Why was that condition was changed?
PV: I'm not sure I can tell you
7/. Incredibly, @uksciencechief Vallance couldn’t remember when SAGE advised the govt to lockdown
1/. At a time when many countries are starting to try & find ways of combating violence against women, #Turkey has just pulled out of #IstanbulConvention
2/. #Turkey’s withdrawal from the #IstanbulConvention is deeply worrying, coming at time when #COVID19 measures/lockdowns have led to a spike in reports of violence
Many women & girls trapped at home with their abusers or unable to easily access safety #VAWG#istanbulsoezlesmesi
3/ Turkey’s withdrawal from the #IstanbulConvention will have disastrous consequences for millions of women & girls & to organizations providing vital support to survivors of sexual assault & domestic violence
1/. 18 years ago as the bombs rained down on #Iraq as Operation Shock & Awe began, Eric Levy was in Baghdad in a power station
He'd gone to #Iraq with hundreds of human shields to try & stop an illegal war & to protect Iraqi civilians by staying in civilian infrastructure sites.
2/. Eric - now 92 - was one of about 80 human shields who stayed throughout the #IraqWar
"The war was illegal & immoral. We may have failed to stop the invasion, but by putting ourselves in harm’s way, we sent a clear message to the world"
“The detention of Öztürk Türkdoğan is outrageous. With ink barely dry on 128-page Human Rights Action Plan announced by Pres Erdoğan two weeks ago, his arrest reveals this document isn't worth the paper it's written on" @amnesty#ÖztürkTürkdoğan#Turkeyamnesty.org/en/latest/news…
In the recording, @DominicRaab says: “I squarely believe we ought to be trading liberally around the world. IF we restrict it to countries with ECHR-level standards of human rights, we’re not going to do many trade deals with growth markets of the future.’