I WISH that I had good news to share with you all but sadly I don't. The #palliativecare doctor said he only treats end of life or #cancer pain & I am once again thrown back in the water like nasty stinky unwanted chum.
He said that I shouldn't be removed off Rx #opioids & in his opinion the the forced wean is too aggressive. I happened to have a horrible #crps attack so he got to literally see what that looks like. It's not pretty.
WHY are patients forced to go through this much shit in order to get basic care? I 100% feel discriminated against & it isn't ok. He did say that he was going to call my doctor tomorrow & speak to them directly to see if he can convince them to keep me on or adjust my meds.
He was very nice & compassionate BUT that doesn't help my life in the way of better functioning & less suffering. He referred me to a #OMFS surgeon who started doing #PainManagement but I don't have high hopes.
I'm really tired of suffering, of being thrown to other doctors who never help, of #cpps being so easily discarded & dismissed just because we happen to need Rx #opioids to function. I'm tired of my life not mattering.
I'm really tired of working this hard to find basic basic care. It shouldn't be this difficult. I'm sick & tired of these stupid lame ass rules that help NO ONE but those who created them. I'm tired of feeling punished when I've done nothing to deserve this.
I'm just honestly sick of it ALL. No #chronicpain patient wants to be in constant pain! We don't want to have to rely on pain meds in order to do the most basic of things that most people take advantage of.
We don't want ANY of this but we are stuck with it & ignoring our huge community of patients isn't doing any one or anything any good. All it's doing is HARMING & killing people. Most people don't truly understand what we are put through.
I showed him my most important medical records & explained that I am literally unable to eat normal food now, nor am I sleeping, that I am no longer stable. He understood that I am fading away fast & something has to be done but he of course wouldn't take me on. He could if he
wanted to. He brought up #hyperalgesia but only for a second but I KNOW that's not what's happening to me. He asked if I have ever taken #methadone but WHY should I be forced off meds that work & on to meds I've never taken before?
And lastly, he seemed to not understand how my current pain doctor is forcing me completely OFF my pain meds for no good reason except he never agreed to treat my pain to begin with & he won't change his mind. His words! He kept saying that I am not being abandoned by them
BUT that is exactly what they are doing. They are forcing me off my meds never to treat me again once I'm off. That's ABANDONMENT is it not? I guess we'll see what happens after he talks to them. I don't have high hopes though. Ugh! *sigh*😪
What if I decided to file a lawsuit (against ??) for the RIGHT to choose to die w/ dignity BECAUSE I am being DENIED the RIGHT to treat my severe intractable pain w/ #pain meds? Hang w/ me for a sec.. #ipp#cpps
I DON'T want to die! I also DON'T want to be forced to live a life of relentless suffering w/o pain meds. Would a #HumanRightsLawsuit help fight for our rights for adequate pain control? #PainManagement @ACLU@acluohio
How can they legally deny me the right to die w/ dignity (& on my own terms) but they are also trying to FORCE me to LIVE the rest of my life in horrible excruciating #IntractablePain without the Rx #opioids that I needed & have taken for 19 years to function? @ACLU @acluohio
With all the talk RE: #OpioidCrisis I didn't think I could feel lower than I do now but boy was I wrong! Cont:...
Drove through my pharmacy today & I asked my pharmacist about my insurance calling & I asked him his opinion.. honestly I am shocked. He said that #opioids are bad for people's health and do kill patients even responsible patients. Cont:...
I wanted to know how many cpp's have lost their meds & he said insurance co are going after every patient on LTOT & even though I am a "lucky patient" his words, that I will end being taken off all meds. Cont:...