1. Polite notice:
Unfollow me, block me, but don’t troll me just because you can’t ‘win’ an argument with me.
I don’t use this forum to win arguments. I come here to debate and become more informed. And, sometimes, just to engage in idle banter with friends.
2. I have been on Twitter for many years but only become more active over the last couple of years because of the desperate circumstances we find ourselves in. Yes, I am vocal and passionate and sometimes I might use hyperboles and emotive language.
3. But, I try to back up everything I say with evidence from reliable and factual sources. I may not get it right every time, that’s the point of debating. So please don’t get offended if I produce some facts that ride roughshod over your point of view or personal prejudices.
4. IT’S NOT PERSONAL. I’m not trying to get one over on you. I’m trying to reach a logical conclusion to whatever question we happen to be debating. I am just as happy for you to try to persuade me that @Keir_Starmer is worth following as I am to persuade you @jeremycorbyn is.
5. It works both ways. You don’t have to like my point of view or ideologies and I don’t yours. It doesn’t mean we cannot debate in a grown up way without hurling insults or petulantly stomping off with a parting blow that one can’t respond to after being blocked.
6. If you are unsure about following me, let me lay my cards on the table:
I follow anyone who follows me - even if your views are diametrically opposed to mine (like I said, I’m here to become more informed).