Dear @Subramanian_ma ,
It has come to our notice that @NHM_TN and @chennaicorp have planned a 'drive' tomorrow (29-7-21) in Chennai with 19 buses to 'round up' destitute homeless people with significant mental health problems and bus them for eventual treatment.
This is unlawful
Only @chennaipolice_ is authorised to intervene in this case as per Mental Health Care Act 2017. ONLY when police officer of area jurisdiction has reason to believe of person wandering at large that there is presence of mental illness AND inability to fend for self / poses risk
Even in case of this subset, the police is to inform the person of the grounds for taking into protection. With your 19 buses and target of 400 unsuspecting homeless PLMI, HOW do you propose to do this in one day.
More importantly, WHY would you choose such a dehumanising way?
"16. Every person wandering on the street is not mentally ill. The police should not "round up" people as if they were stray cattle and deal with them as such. #HumanRights
"Each individual should be dealt with as a separate case, he/she shall be treated as a human being with all the Constitutional rights. This will be possible if the police/NGO or any other person bring up each case individually as and when it arises."
.. #MadrasHighCourt#Nathalie
"17. The police need not wait to reach such a huge number in order to produce such persons before the Judicial Magistrate concerned. They shall act promptly as & when they happen to see abandoned / destitute / mentally affected / suspected ill persons wandering in public places."
... "When such mentally ill persons are handled by the police, they are to be treated with humanity and dignity and they should not be treated as chattel."
Please don't proceed with this distressing drive tomorrow. We suggest instead, a Kind People, Happy City type model of civil society's neighbourhood street engagement, egalitarian trust-building, informed and negotiated consent & open homeless shelters etc…
Redo it @MoHFW_INDIA
#20 Persons with disabilities due to Intellectual disabilities/ Muscular Dystrophy/ Acid attack with involvement of respiratory system/ Persons with disabilities having high support needs/ Multiple disabilities including deaf-blindness…
Disability need not be a co-morbidity, but most disabled citizens in the Indian context, are at a higher risk for Covid acquisition and death. And while the inclusion of some disabilities in India's Phase II vaccination strategy is welcome from an inclusion pov, it's not enough.
So call this a vaccine priority list of high risk groups instead of a co-morbidity list @NITIAayog . And remove the age bar for disability - there is enough evidence in India's Covid death data to support what every disabled Indian knows - they rarely emerge alive from hospitals.
We've had to defy Govt rules on approved content, in the interest of serving the disability community in India by making a resource for a range of specific needs of PwD in India - sign language, AAC, media description, EasyRead...
Shame @MSJE_AIC !
What about sustaining other regular life-saving interventions in the time of #covidindia ?
Blood for those who are transfusion dependent and disinfection protocols for those who are dialysis dependent for a start?