(Almost said loved there, but how this story ends is up to you and the youniverse.)

Flashback to the eve of another Indian great's birthday...
It's 1st October and Maharashtra is in the throes of election fever.
Tarun is carried away by an election rally, dancing away from his comfort zone of home, neighbours and balloon seller.
There's something almost Pied Piperesque about him being drawn away from safety. Strange one should think of Pied Piper...
Tarun doesn't have a visible disability. He does however dance to the beat of a different drum - he lives with autism.

If what comes next for this 16 year old student of Jai Vakeel special school in Sewri isn't dangerous enough, Tarun is also without his usual thick spectacles, as they broke the previous day.
/The music stopped and I stood still/

Left alone against my will/
Tarun was lost and couldn't find his way home.
It's upsetting to think of him at that moment, so let's distract ourselves with some data. Sobering, bleak but a diffuse kind of upset.
But as this article points out, the stories behind the NCRB statistics can be mutilayered and complex.
But not in Tarun's case.
Though the process does pose challenges due to presence of disability, it's nothing compared to the exponential whammy of being a child + missing + disabled in India. (Worse if an invisible disability.)
Not for want of trying on @vinodd2017's part.
Tarun's father Vinod Gupta filed FIR 248/2019 the same day at MRA Marg police station.

Like Tarun and the Maharashtra Govt, it too is missing!

The boy whose father @vinodd2017 says "does not even cross the road by himself" boarded a train at CSTM station the day he got lost, alighting at Panvel - hungry, crying.

By now he could be anywhere. #BringHimHome