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Jul 23rd 2022
Good intentions, yes. Enthusiasm, yes. Awareness of law, no.

@policecbecity citywide clean sweeps seem more efficient but are in reality dehumanising. The police has traditionally held responsibility wrt wandering mentally ill destitute persons, but a mass approach is wrong ...
We urge you @ipspolicetn @sameerangs @CollectorCbe to instead refer the @NHM_TN draft policy for homeless mentally ill and work towards a community based, individualised approach that is in compliance with current mental health, disability & privacy law.
Finally to quote Madras High Court's Justice Prabha Sridevan in Nathalie Vandenbyvanghe, 2008…

16. Every person wandering on the street is not mentally ill. The police should not "round up" people as if they were stray cattle and deal with them as such...
Read 4 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
Dear @Subramanian_ma ,
It has come to our notice that @NHM_TN and @chennaicorp have planned a 'drive' tomorrow (29-7-21) in Chennai with 19 buses to 'round up' destitute homeless people with significant mental health problems and bus them for eventual treatment.

This is unlawful
Only @chennaipolice_ is authorised to intervene in this case as per Mental Health Care Act 2017. ONLY when police officer of area jurisdiction has reason to believe of person wandering at large that there is presence of mental illness AND inability to fend for self / poses risk Read section 100 of MHCA here : https://disabilityrightsalli
Even in case of this subset, the police is to inform the person of the grounds for taking into protection. With your 19 buses and target of 400 unsuspecting homeless PLMI, HOW do you propose to do this in one day.

More importantly, WHY would you choose such a dehumanising way?
Read 10 tweets
Oct 31st 2019
Kudos on this multi-sectoral collaboration @THF_INDIA - looking forward to reading the experiences of some of our peer long-stay residents in #mental hospitals.
But crushed to find report about disabled Indians isn't accessible to print disabled.
Plain text version pls! Cover of report with Hans Foundation logo. Picture of a woman sitting on the floor inside a house, absorbed in stitching a bright pink cloth.
@THF_INDIA @MoHFW_INDIA @MSJEGOI @MSJE_AIC @NationalTrust99 Sighted English-reading people can access / read / download the 80 MB PDF report on long stay residents in Government mental hospitals in India here :…

#MentalHealth #Disability #Deinstitutionalisation #RPWD #MHCA #CRPD #CommunityLiving #Stigma #Inclusion
@THF_INDIA @MoHFW_INDIA @MSJEGOI @MSJE_AIC @NationalTrust99 Media had reported this earlier as a National Study on long-stay residents of Indian Govt mental hospitals. Puzzled by current title 'National Strategy on Inclusive and Community Based Options for Persons with Mental Health Issues.' How can a private body brand India's strategy?
Read 8 tweets
Sep 30th 2019
The videos are to whet conversations on rights of persons with mental illness, persons who live with unique life stressors due to structural oppression. Section 21(1)(a) of #MHCA mandates equality & non-discrimination for all #PWMI What would that look like? Please share
TW: violence, lynching, caste violence, death. I'll start us off. In 2017-2018, three reported incidents of persons with mental illness PWMI being lynched & killed. There's a clear intersection here -with the victims belonging Muslim, Dalit & Tribal communities. Never Forget.
Many persons are involuntarily admitted to mental hospitals - especially women, homeless, economically vulnerable persons (irrespective of their mental health). Institutions are characterized by segregation, no respect for bodily rights, personal space of the users. #Rights #PWMI
Read 9 tweets
Jul 29th 2019
Hullo, what have we here @MoHFW_INDIA ?!

Your recently released Clinical Establishments guidelines 2019 indicate that 'mentally disabled' will need a guardian for informed consent!

First off why are you equating disabled people with minors?…

#Capacity Appendix 9 EXTRACT <br />
The informed consent shall at the least contain the following information in an understandable language and format (desirably which a lay person can easily understand) <br />
Page 133 of Clinical Establishments Amendments 2019 :" src="/images/1px.png" data-src="">
@MoHFW_INDIA @EqualsCPSJ @RajivSpeaks @Deepak_TMN @drsitu @netshrink @vjayakumar @amritbakhshy @val_resh @SmithaSadasiva5 Next - bad enough we've had to suffer conflation of 'unsound mind' with mental illness, now we have a sweeping 'mental disability' which means ... what exactly?
@MoHFW_INDIA @EqualsCPSJ @RajivSpeaks @Deepak_TMN @drsitu @netshrink @vjayakumar @amritbakhshy @val_resh @SmithaSadasiva5 If you cannot assume capacity for all, suspect capacity for all. Stop singling out disabled people for guardian consent.
Embrace diversity in communication and supported decision making.
No mention of advance directives?
#Competence #RPWD #MHCA #CRPD #PatientAdvocate #GAL #DNR
Read 6 tweets

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