You can tell these apart from the old ones, which I recommend you update to, because the font is different. They also say, *NEW* 2021 ELECTION (easy right?).
Orange = #NDP motion, Dark Blue #CPC, Light Blue = BQ, Red = #LPC. (2/3)
To look these up yourself, enter the numbers *without the parenthesis*, after the slash (/) at this address:
This is a heinous lie I continue seeing #LiberalTwitter tell, as some argument about #NDP obstructing the LPC, as an excuse for this election, let's unpack it.
No, the NDP did not, "vote against the disabled". They initially refused to support the Covid-19 spending bill in June, which contained a $600 payment for disabled Canadians. And for good reason.
The Liberals wanted to fine/jail CERB recipients! (2/9)
Which was pretty unfair, and necessary to stop, because LIBERAL MPs like Wayne Easter and Adam Vaughan who told people to apply for CERB whether they knew they qualified or not! Can we say, entrapment? I'm no lawyer but, unfair to say the least. (3/9)
As someone who opposes Islamophobia, why should I vote strategically for a party that drafted a dog-whistle bill around it or that voted for it, over the NDP who didn't?
As someone who supports labour organizing, why would I vote strategically for a party who doesn't want to strengthen labour laws to support workers during strikes and lockouts, when the NDP does?
As someone who wants trade deals that are good for Canada and Canadian workers and don't contain harmful ISDs and respect our sovereignty, why would I vote strategically for any party who undermines that? #trade#cdnecon#Elxn2021
First, the Hoskin's report that Liberals commissioned, says that there should be a Bill for Pharmacare passed BY January 2022. Bills pass 3 readings in the HoC before going to the Senate, they tabled NOTHING! (1/9)
Also, in the 2019 election, Liberals promised us Pharmacare and incumbent MP Patty Hajdu, just 3 MONTHS later, began walking back this promise in the media. (2/9)