Some key themes emerging from #YHFSummit this morning
1. We need to be better informed: that means better data about young people, better understanding among young people about health concerns/conditions/solutions
2. Young people need to be better included: that's about governance, advocacy, lived experience.
3. Services (design, delivery, access, health practitioner behaviour) #YHFSummit
4. Better technology navigation/access, how can technology better enable lived experience too
5. COVID - how better acknowledge in health system that COVID is a major, disproportionate disruptor in the lives of young people? "Loss, grief, restrictions, missed opportunities...real sense you can't earn this time back" #YHFSummit
Need to actively canvass places for young people to be heard; and training so, when they bring ideas, they understand the governance/advocacy/processes that enable them to do so most powerfully #YHFSummit#ideas AND, see lovehearts, pay them!
"Build cultural competence into every tender as a requirement."
"Lived experience ought to be part of all practitioner training"
"It feels like we spend a lot of time teaching and training young people to be acceptable to the status quo - I wonder if we're investing as much energy in shifting those systems."
"I found it took a long time to figure out that I wasn't "supposed" to act a certain way to be professional, because no one said otherwise." #YHFSummit
"And it's worth being critical about who 'professionalism' serves and its roots in white supremacy etc. I love that young people keep showing us different ways to engage." #YHFSummit
"Looking at the upstream interventions that will help young people transition to a 'new normal'."
@andrewhollo says every generation has its own event, the pandemic is one.
Reads out call for a road map for young people "to be able to reclaim lost opportunity".
Very strong focus at #YHFSummit on SDOH in pandemic responses, particularly income support (some have benefited, some have lost), devaluing of 'essential' services (which generally lower earning)
"Lived experience needs to be embedded in every aspect of the health system."
"More funding for preventive health."
"Carbon tax, removal of capital gain tax exemptions..."
Agrees with @jahintanvir_ on need to be solutions focused, and participant comment, 'should we be thinking about young people, supporting them to be health 'creators', not health 'consumers'." #YHFSummit
Shifting the focus from health to wellbeing in governments: looking at 'building back better' not just from pandemic, but intergenerational challenges/inequities that have continued to play out. Look beyond GDP as indicator of success: @SandroDemaio#YHFSummit
"What gets measured gets done." @SandroDemaio says we all know individual worth not reflected in income, and it's the same for Australia/other countries. If all we measure is $ generated (GDP), that leads to perverse incentives, profit over health. #YHFSummit
Keys to co-design: prioritise relationships, share power, build capacity (not so much in young people but among professionals who are not so used to working as peers vs in hierarchies), participatory methods @kellyanagram#YHFsummit
Robert Yates of @ChathamHouse and @LSHTM comes to us from a sunny London! We are so lucky to have him chat to us about how palliative care can get a "decent crack of the whip" on universal health reforms. #21OPCC
@ChathamHouse@LSHTM "This is an opportunity for radical change. We should be prepared and get organised." But what is Universal Health Coverage? Important to nail down the definition. #21OPCC Simple definition here 👇
@ChathamHouse@LSHTM But the longer definition makes it clear that palliative care is part of the continuum. Wherever you see UHC, we must insist on palliative care not being crowded out by curative services. #21OPCC