#Genetics is involved in several #stroke related conditions, such as small vessel disease #SVD, aneurysms, dissections, cavernomas, and intracranial #hemorrhages
✅1,5% of cerebral #SVD are #monogenic disorders
✅AR, AD or X-linked
☝🏼Absence of family history doesn't rule out diagnosis because of
👉de novo mutation
👉reduced expression or
👉incomplete penetrance
✅early onset stroke without vascular RFs
✅systemic features and neuroimaging of an specific monogenic disorder
✅negative work up for other causes of SVD
👉#CADASIL most common SVD caused by single gene mutation
✅Autosomal dominant
✅Prevalence 2-4/100 000
☝️#NOTCH3 mutation, most frequent in hot spot,3-4 exons
🚬 and HTN are associated with earlier age of stroke onset
#Weekendlecture #Genetic & #SVD #CADASIL
External capsule/anterior temporal lobes hyperintensities ☝️highly suggestive of but not specific
CADASIL #scale help to select patient to genetic testing
Skin biopsy👉57% Se bit.ly/3oukOT7
✅Gold Standard NOTCH3 genetic test
☝️Genes👉Functional loss, CCM1 (KRIT1)/CCM2 (MGC4607)/CCM3, most agressive (PDCD10)
👉Prev: 1/3300 to 1/3800
👉20% of all CCMs are familial:
✅AD with incomplete penetrance
✅Multiple CCM bit.ly/3B7yNlx
✅60% of sCAD had abnormalities in skin connective tissue, but
👉#CAD occurs in pts w/ known CTD ~2%, mainly Ehlers-Danlos bit.ly/3A6Cp5Q
👉Most studies looking for mutations/genetics associations are (-)ve bit.ly/3Dc0IRB
👉If 1-2 family members have IA, risk of 1st degree relatives >30yo is ~9.8%
👉Pts w/familial history of SAH (~10%)
✅SAH at younger age
✅⬆️risk of multiple IA vs sporadics
☝️Majority of IA heritability is polygenic. bit.ly/3FeSnP6
#Endothelial cell appear to be the target
✅Genetic predisposition for HBP and 🚬 are independent genetic causes of IA
☝️In recent #GWA 17 loci were found and 11 potential genes go.nature.com/2Yhon3S
👉Heritability of #ICH estimated at 44% (73% lobar vs 34% deep)
👉Mechanisms involved: #amyloid deposition, lipid metabolism, coagulation, inflammation
Polygenic, but most strong association #ApoE bit.ly/3FfnBFB
#ISC22 Highlights #Rescue-BT EVT with or w/o #tirofiban in LVO stroke
GPIIb/IIIa-R inhibitor could ⏬reocclusion after MT
55🏥in🇨🇳AIS<24hr, no IVT, ASPECT≥6
🚶mRS at 90d: 3 vs 3
🩸sICH: 9.7 vs 6.4%, NS
⚫️Death: 18.1 vs 16.9%
Treatment effect modification in LAA subgroup
It’s no secret that #EVT for AIS has been a complete game changer for the field resulting in dramatic reduction in death & disability
Join us to explore the #history of EVT in collaboration with @SVINJournal, to celebrate the inaugural issue
Many thanks to @Mahmoudneuro, #RaulNogueira and @DiogoHaussen whose review entitled:
👉“Tx Advancements in the Endovascular Management of Stroke” celebrates the advances in #ETV
1st #Fun fact: Interventional treatment of AIS dates all the way back to 1950s‼️
Sussman & Fitch reported 3 cases of IA infusion of fibrinolytics
Didn’t work 😫. Probably because they were performed in a non-hyperacute fashion
But this laid the foundation for years of refinement
👉⬆️T1/2 allows single bolus dosing and⬆️clot exposure to TNK
👉Higher affinity to fibrin-rich clots & + potent/faster clot #lysis vs alteplase
👉 < consumption of fibrinogen/plasminogen/ a2- antiplasmin👉⬇️systemic fibrinolytic effect👉⏬risk for bleeding
#WeekendLecture #TNK
First analysis in stroke patients was a #dose-scalation safety study
There was no #symptomatic ICHs in dosis of 0.1-0.2-0.4mg/kg, and 15% (2 of 13) in 0.5mg/kg
No differences in clinical outcomes bit.ly/3DNHamV
#CAD causes ~ 10-20% of #strokes
Atherosclerosis occurs most frequently at carotid #bifurcation, an area of low vessel-wall shear stress and oscillatory/turbulent blood flow
Welcome to this mini review!
#WeekendLecture #CAD
Endothelial dysfunction
Inflammatory response to Lp retention in arterial wall
Accelerated accumulation of Lp in subendothelial matrix
VSCM migrate/proliferate to fibroblast-like cells👉 production of EC matrix atm.amegroups.com/article/view/7…
#WeekendLecture #CAD
Stroke Mechanisms
✅#artery_to_artery embolization: retinal (amaurosis fugax) or cerebral circulation
✅#thrombosis in situ
✅#Flow reduction in high grade stenosis: #watershed infarcts, repetitive and brief TIAs (ie limb shaking)
☝️#Stroke clinicians are routinely asked by patients and families regarding prognosis.
🧠The cognitive process underlying prognostication is #complex, poorly understood, and sometime #biased by personal experiences
#Fact: Clinicians, even those with expertise in stroke, perform poorly in predicting clinical outcomes
In this case-based study, overall accuracy for predicting death or disability at discharge was <20%😩 #JURaSSIC n.neurology.org/content/81/5/4…