3/5 One girl's a lesbian. I wonder what her reaction is going to be when she realises what is actually happening on dating apps? And SHE accuses ME of having had a sheltered childhood?😂I’m not the one living in a bubble where up is down and hands are feet! #sexmatters
4/5 One of them then told me that I should believe this because all the teachers do! Seriously! Is this what they base their beliefs on? What other people say? I told them that Galileo knew the world was round and nobody believed him. Truth is truth even if nobody believes it.
The other day, I was asking my grandmother about her childhood. That got me thinking - what will MY future grandchildren say when I tell them about my childhood? Thread about how I imagine this will go:
1/8 Over the last few years, along with the TWAW chant, trans rights extremists have said some pretty ridiculous things! Here are some of the craziest:
2/8 “Gender neutral toilets are fine. We all have them in our own homes!”
I mean, who amongst us hasn’t encountered an unknown male in our private toilet?! What a winning argument! (And they still make it. All. The. Time.🤦♀️)
Has anyone ever heard of the song “One Man and his Dog 🐶, Went to Mow a Meadow”? Ever since some revelations today 👀, it’s been reverberating around my brain. And now, for your delectation, I share my new version.
1/6 My school is fully captured by the #TransCult. As I’m able to differentiate fact from fiction, I often find myself standing alone against the madness.
2/6 My classmates AND the teachers try to intimidate me but I refuse to be silenced. I take every chance I can to stand against the gender insanity. Case in point? A recent reading survey.
3/6 I was given a form to fill out about books & authors.
First question: “Who is your favourite author?”
Of course I put @jk_rowling not just because of her books (outstanding as they are!) but because of her amazing work standing up for the rights of women & girls.
2/10 Last week she insisted on asking me about my “transphobic” views. I asked her how she, as a lesbian, could support a cult that seeks to erase both women AND same-sex attraction?
3/10 She told me that TRAs do nothing of the sort. I pointed out that women are being kicked off lesbian dating sites, for saying they won’t date men. Which OF COURSE they won’t. These women are lesbians i.e. exclusively same-SEX attracted females.
1/10 Recently a teacher told my class that a baby can be “assigned” the wrong sex at birth… and that is how a man can “actually” be a woman. I rolled my eyes so much it’s a wonder they didn’t roll right out of my head! #SexIsObserved#SexMatters#SexIsReal#SexNotGender