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Jun 11th 2023
I blew you a kiss when you flipped us off and here’s another one, you delusional misogynist. 😘

Also you’re wrong but I know you don’t care. Next time come up, we’d love to talk to you!

Read this:…

And #NoMalesInWomensJails #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #KPSS
Sorry you’re having a Big Traffic Sad about men not liking prisons but like, they’re not women, no matter how many pieces of “women’s” clothing they put on. And an inverted penis (not a requirement for access since C-16 in 2017 btw) is still a penis.
And that’s not a threat, btw. We (unlike members of a particular cult) are capable not only of defending our arguments (it helps to be right tbh) but also of hearing and engaging with people who disagree with us without calling them Nazis or subtweeting them….
Read 7 tweets
May 3rd 2023
Ζω στη χώρα που οι άντρες τσακώνονται ποιό κόμμα στηρίζει την ελευθερία του τύπου.
Του "ΤΥΠΟΥ" που σύσσωμος έχει αποτύχει να μεταφέρει διεθνείς ειδήσεις όπως την ποινική δίωξη γυναικών που δε δέχονται απατεώνες στη γυναικεία κατηγορία αθλημάτων. 1/
Ο δεξιός τύπος (πρώτοΨέμα) αποκαλεί τους αποστάτες "ακροδεξιούς", κ ο αριστερός, κάνει ένα βροντερό ΜΟΚΟ με πέπλο σχολιασμού για θέματα ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ, τα σεξιστικά λογύδρια της Ακρίτα που δεν έχει αφήσει παιδόφιλο και μισογύνη χωρίς ξέπλυμμα. 2/
Κανείς δεν αναρωτιέται πως είναι δυνατόν αντιδιαμετρικά αντίθετες ιδεολογίες (λολ) όπως ΝΔ-Συριζα κ λοιπή ΝεοΑριστερά να συμφωνούν στο μοναδικό ζήτημα που θίγει το 52% του πληθυσμού.
Αλλά ανησυχούν για την ελευθερία του τύπου. 3/
Read 11 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
Letters from 3 brave female inmates held captive amongst violent men at Edna Mahan Women’s Prison. Prompted by the ACLU, the NJ DOC allows for males to self-ID as “trans women” & gain access their target for sexual exploitation: vulnerable captive women. These are their cries/🧵
2/ The first letter is from mother and grandmother, Dawn Jackson, serving a 30 yr prison sentence at Edna Mahan for defensively killing her step grandfather after enduring years of his sexual abuse. She lives in fear of the violent men brought into the prison: #KPSS #GetMenOUT ImageImageImageImage
3/ This electronic letter is from an anonymous female Edna Mahan women’s prison inmate who understands the danger that speaking out will put her in, but wants people to know how they feel:
#GetMenOUT #KPSS Image
Read 8 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
HUGE congrats @RevFemStBeat and the other women of #GetMenOut New Jersey for their protest against male felons in female prisons, and solid coverage in the New York Post,…!

This is the best I've seen yet in the United States.

Brilliantly done!
@RevFemStBeat The UN "Mandela Rules" or "Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners" state that male and female prisoners should never be housed together.…

To do so is a human-rights violation, under Rule 11, "separation of categories." Image
In times of war it is also against the Geneva Convention to place male and female prisoners together.

Housing male prisoners in female prisons is an OBVIOUS human-rights violation, for obvious reasons.

No male felon should EVER be in a female prison.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
I was on an Irish Penal Reform Trust @IPRT webinar last year when they launched their report on Irish prisons. I raised BK + the other 2 men in Limerick women’s prison, the solitary confinement issue, the Mandela Rules. I was told “That’s outside the scope of our report.” #KPSS
Could whoever’s briefing @LeoVaradkar pls point out legal experts have been saying for years the GRA has put the State in an impossible position; not just about prisons, but closed psych wards, hospital wards, schools etc; Irish gov have statutory responsibility for safeguarding.
You can have “gender identity” in law (hiding sex/falsifying records) OR safeguarding, but not both. There’s no “privacy right” to hide sex (+ criminal background; see @NoXYinXXprisons report), only a dangerous privilege. Governments MUST #RepealTheGRA + all sex falsification.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
In all the Twitter Drama about neo-nazis at the #LetWomenSpeak event, who invited them (or didn't), who got a photo with them (or didn't), who was responsible for getting rid of them (or couldn't), there's some undeniable facts that I think we should all be able to agree on.
It is an undeniable, verifiable fact that the Victorian government has put a male sex-offender in a women's jail in Victoria.…

It is an undeniable, verifiable fact that this contravenes the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the treatment of prisoners, which states:

Read 11 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
Let's go, people! It's time to TERF it up again!

These fkrs think they can throw ONLY violent men out of women's prisons.

But we won't stop until ALL MEN are out!

When the overwhelming majority of rapes and sexual offences go under-reported and unprosecuted, we

1/ 🧵

If a guy who pretends he's a woman goes into a female jail for unpaid fines and he previously assaulted WOMEN via domestic violence or child molestation, that WONT be taken into consideration.

They think we're zipped up the back!

A man who walks around communal showers in the female prison with an erection is a threat to women.

A woman who has to take contraception because SHE LIVES IN FEAR OF BEING RAPED or SEXUALLY ASSAULTED is being TERRORISED.

That is called TORTURE according to the

Read 4 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Explosive revelation from the Correctional Service of Canada.

44% of incarcerated “Transwomen” are sexual offenders.

Information is from two recent official publications. /1
First publication is titled Examination of Gender Diverse Offenders.…
From this publication 👇
Read 9 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
When the Scottish Prison Service do their "thorough risk assessment" on male trans people to decide if they should be housed in the female estate, they DO NOT take into consideration any of the following:

1/ 🧵
- Male genitalia
- Previous sex crimes
- Registered sex offender
- Convicted pedophile
- Criminal Justice Onset Gender Dysphoria (suddenly identify as a woman when arrested to engender a more positive experience)
- History of domestic violence
- Any hormones, surgery

or therapy
- History of violence

In other words, he could have beaten, raped and sexually assaulted women and children to death but that does not automatically exclude them for consideration for placement in the female estate.

What's even more alarming is that their 2014

Read 5 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
The number of trans people in Scottish prisons varies between 10 and 30. The latest stats from Q2 2022 suggest 15 but it changes daily. It could be a lot more.

- "7092 people identified themselves as men"
- "280 people identified themselves as women"

1/ 🧵 Image
- "Tran’s men comprised 0.05%"
- "Trans women comprised 0.15%"
- "Non-binary and gender-fluid comprised together 0.04%"

The language is very revealing.

"People who identify as men or women" v "Trans women" - how very peculiar.

Plus they can't spell trans men correctly.

2/ Image
Woke AND illiterate!

Strangely, they refuse to use the term "lesbian" and use gay women instead. Is that normal?

When they describe the "men's estate" I assume they mean biological?

#notoselfid #kpss #nomalesinfemalejails Image
Read 5 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022

Duncan-Glancy (Lab): "Disproportionate barriers for transpeople... Recognised concerns exist on impact on women & single-sex spaces... we've listened to concerns & sought the best possible evidence"

Barriers are in place for a reason - safeguarding.
Cole-Hamilton (LD): VAWG huge importance to him.
"Clear that no provision around changes in #GRRBill create new or additional threat to women. Making it easier to obtain a GRC does not change who can or is likely to access Single-Sex Spaces."
🤔Clipped for posterity... we'll see.
CH: "No SS or protected space currently requires the presentation of GRC/BC for entry. Neither are seen as valid ID. Trained staff undertake dynamic risk assessment as to whether it is appropriate to grant admission to that person. That goes for prisons as well." #GRRBILL #KPSS
Read 55 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
#GRRBill Stage 3 Debate (Day 2)
Group 16: Operation and impact of the Act

John Mason (SNP) introduces the group
Starts with his own Amd. 122 - concerning prisons #KPSS
Prisons have featured prominetly, esecially who should be in which prisons.
Cabinet have said they are reviewing prisons guidance. Told that "each case is currently decided on its own merits" #GRRBill #KPSS
Mason: "Someone born as a man, but identifying as a woman, could be placed in women's prison if reckoned not to be a threat to women & also if reckoned to be at risk in the men's prison. Important that risk to the prisoner & other inmates is taken into account." #GRRBill #KPSS
Read 54 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
[🧵] Absolutely shameful #misogyny on clear display from Dr James Barrett. This man is as elite and respected as it is possible to be within the UK "gender medicine" establishment. @TaviAndPort
👆In a 2009 report, Barrett denigrated women prisoners who may object to the presence in their estate of a man convicted of killing his partner. This prisoner(AB) hid the corpse for 3 weeks.

5 days after release AB committed a violent attempted rape of a woman, which /
/ only stopped because of erectile dysfunction.

The parole board had 2 years prior identified risk factors of:

"anger and frustration..., thinking patterns and attitudes relating to violence and weapons, sex offending... and the risk to life and limb.." Para. 6. paraphrased
Read 13 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
It’s time once again for This Week in Clown World, & what a week it’s been.

We’ve had aggressive men in women’s sports, a host of angry trans activists, truly disturbing crimes, a brand spanking new definition of “woman”,& appearances from some familiar faces- let’s get into it
I’ll start with Sports.

The ACLU tweeted “VICTORY” after a Connecticut Court ruled that trans students could play on the school team that is “consistent with their gender identity”.

This is not a victory for all the girls who will now be forced to compete against boys.
Also in the US, the NHL held a “transwomen” vs “transmen” match. Predictably, not only did the biologically male team win easily, but a bio woman ended up hospitalised with a concussion. It’s almost like it’s dangerous for men to play against women in collision sports 😬
Read 23 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
It’s time once again for-

🤡This Week in Clown World🧵🤡

It’s been an extra special one,since it’s #TransWeekofAwareness…and boy, did they make sure we were aware. Brace yourselves, there’s a lot 😬

🪡1/32 ImageImage
I’m going to try to organise it in a sensible way, but forgive me if it’s a bit chaotic!

Let’s start with schools…

-Ontario Trans Awareness Week (TAW) lessons include teaching that “some girls have penises”

🪡2/32 ImageImage
-Pictures from a “family friendly” ‘LGBTQ+’ event in Florida emerged, and what says more “family friendly” than…a dildo ring toss?

According to @libsoftiktok, a school principal sits on the board of the organisation that hosted this booth.
🪡3/32 ImageImage
Read 37 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
"Rape is a specific form of torture used most frequently against women. To subject female prisoners to thread of rape and sexual assault is cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and a form of psychological torture."…

#KPSS #KeepPrisonsSingleSex
"The United Nations ‘Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners’ (called the Nelson Mandela Rules) require that 'different categories of prisoners shall be kept in separate institutions or parts of institutions, taking account of their sex… The United Nations ‘Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatme
"… taking account of their sex, age, criminal record, the legal reason for their detention and the necessities of their treatment' and that 'men and women shall so far as possible be detained in separate institutions'."…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 21st 2022

☑️"Aleviler Öz Türktür." deyince kimi arkadaşlar, "O zaman Alevi Zazalar Öz Türk mü?" diye soru sormuşlar. Öncelikle Zazalar hakkında YouTube'da çok ayrıntılı ve kaynaklı bir video yapmıştım. Dileyenler onu izleyebilir. Zazaların tarihine kısaca burada... Image
değinirsem, başta şunu söylemeliyim. Zazalar tarihte Türkler ile can yoldaş ve dost olmuşlardır. Kürtlerin tersine Zazaların kökeni kanıtları ile ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Deylem İranilerindendirler. Kürtler ile temelde bir alakaları yoktur. Sasani döneminde devlette görev aldıkları
için Uygarlık alanında yükselmişlerdir. Temelde Zerdüşt inancını benimsemişlerdir. Arapların 640'larda İranı işgal etmeleri sırasında bir kısmı Horasan ve Semerkant'taki Türklerin yanına sığınmıştır. İran'da kalanları Arapların ve Arapların ordularındaki Kürt gruplarının...
Read 8 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
The Country Capacity is Full: TR100

#ODTÜ #ODTÜMezuniyetininYeriDevrimdir
Biz senin yılgın bir hoşgörüyle düzenleyeceğin KKM mezuniyetine mi kaldık!

#ODTÜ #ODTÜMezuniyetininYeriDevrimdir
Tam pankarta karar vermişken KPSS'nin iptali halis mi?

#ODTÜ #ODTÜMezuniyetininYeriDevrimdir #KPSS
Read 45 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
📌 İster inanın ister inanmayın dar oligarşik kadro 2022-#KPSS Lisans sınavı üzerinden bir planı hayata geçirdi.
#KPSS sınavı iptal edildi. Zaten her şey bu sınavların /kadrolaşmanın önünde azda olsa engel/ itibarsızlaştırılarak tamamen kaldırılması için…
Kararların peş peşe jet hızıyla gelmesi planın sağlam olduğunu gösteriyor.
Read 4 tweets
May 16th 2022
🧵 The accusations that have come out in the past week or so have been absurd. Females have been expected to be okay w being referred to as “menstruators”, “birthing bodies”, “uterus havers”, among other dehumanizing terms by public officials & publications. Without complaint 1/8
Let alone speaking out even though such terms obscure uniquely female issues and are felt to be offensive by many females. Males, on the other hand, have been allowed to retain their descriptors. No man or boy is referred to as “ejaculators”, “penis havers”. 2/8
Nor would it be right if this were the case. Women have had single sex spaces set aside for the basic needs of safety, privacy, and dignity where we are most vulnerable outside of our homes. 3/8
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May 16th 2022
The other day, I was asking my grandmother about her childhood. That got me thinking - what will MY future grandchildren say when I tell them about my childhood? Thread about how I imagine this will go:

#SexMatters #SexNotGender #LetWomenSpeak #RespectMySex

Future Grandchild (FG): What was life like when you were young?

Me: Well… misogyny was celebrated, stereotypes encouraged & healthy kids embarked on lifelong medical nightmares.

FG: What? Did that actually happen?

Me: Oh, believe me, it did.

#WomenWontWheest #misogyny

FG: How?

Me: There were these men who wore dresses, liked pink and did other stereotypical feminine things. They decided they were ACTUALLY women.

FG: You’re joking!

Me: I’m not!

Read 12 tweets
May 14th 2022
Over the last few years, along with the TWAW chant, trans rights extremists have said some pretty ridiculous things! Here are some of the craziest:

#TransCult #TransActivismIsMisogyny #TranswomenAreMen #TransmenAreWomen
“Gender neutral toilets are fine. We all have them in our own homes!”
I mean, who amongst us hasn’t encountered an unknown male in our private toilet?! What a winning argument! (And they still make it. All. The. Time.🤦‍♀️)

#SexMatters #SingleSexSpaces #SexNotGender
“Nobody can tell a transwoman from a biological woman.”
Nope. Far too difficult. There is absolutely no way that I can spot the TIM here!

#WeAllKnow #MenArentWomen #WomenArentMen #WhatIsAWoman #AdultHumanFemale #SexMatters #KPSS #KeepPrisonsSingleSex #SaveWomensSports Image
Read 8 tweets
May 10th 2022
1/6 My school is fully captured by the #TransCult. As I’m able to differentiate fact from fiction, I often find myself standing alone against the madness.

#GenderWoo #GenderWooWoo #SexMatters #SexNotGender #WomenWontWheest #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #WomensRights #WeWillBeHeard
2/6 My classmates AND the teachers try to intimidate me but I refuse to be silenced. I take every chance I can to stand against the gender insanity. Case in point? A recent reading survey.

#IStandWithJKRowling #IStandWithAllisonBailey #RespectMySex
3/6 I was given a form to fill out about books & authors.

First question: “Who is your favourite author?”

Of course I put @jk_rowling not just because of her books (outstanding as they are!) but because of her amazing work standing up for the rights of women & girls.
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May 2nd 2022
It is worth reminding ourselves that getting trans identified males into the female estate was a deliberate tactic of the transgender lobby, as evidenced by the brilliant @STILLTish below.
There is a multitude of research showing the marked difference between female and male prisoners- that so many women have been affected by violence, domestic and sexual abuse.…
Read 4 tweets

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