Besides, for a Christian, life isn't about marrying and giving into marriage. It is about living for Lord Jesus and His will.
And one of the last things I held and learned is, don't get mesmerized if you see someone living in faith and radical obedience to the Lord Jesus.
Don't make it a reason to fall in love with him/her. Well, it is not because that is a bad thing. But it is because that is just the standard. That's how a Christian should live. Nothing special about that.
Or, in my own words, that's just the standard. If they have claimed that they love Christ, believers, or Christians, then they must live just like Our Lord Jesus lived.
And if that basic thing or standard is too high for a person, I think things like porn, masturbating (sorry for being vulgar), an un-marriage couple living under the same roof, LGBTQ, abortion, and so on are not even considered sins anymore for him/ her.
A thread (Part 2)
I even learn to lower my eyes and avoid seeing inappropriate parts of a person's body. The reason is love. Love is not rude (1 Cor. 13:5).
I love the Indonesian translation of that Verse, it is similar to not doing inappropriate things. I am a Christian and I need to love and respect others.
I did all of that not because I want to boast or act like "You're all holier than thou"... No.
It is because I know my flesh is. Once I give it a little chance, what had been dead will suddenly arise.
Bible, the Words of God has made me love to read, literally everything. Reading has become one of my fave habits and my hobbies. Besides the Bible, the man I love also has shared in it.
I got intrigued because it is one of his particular hobbies (Yes, he is still that same person. If you are somehow curious about who he is, just take time to scroll down my Twitter account. You'll find out).
I hope someday, If God is willing, I can show to my descendant(s) my social media accounts, Twitter, or Instagram, whether he/she (they) will be my child out of my womb or will be bornt from my "heart", or whether they will be my "spiritual children".
I hope this account will become one of God's tools to bless their lives. Well, if they somehow have an interest or some curiosity to see it. I won't push them. But when they do, I pray they will be blessed by it.
Back in January, while in days of fasting (21 days fasting movement of my church), I was about to end fasting for that day. I was still eating my meal when suddenly I received a WA message from my girl, Deea.
She sent me these 2 pictures. That was her mom and her boyfriend (at that time, he was in Medan) both got baptized on Dec, 25-26th 2021.
Almost forgot to share these 2 videos. Have watched it months ago.
Always exciting to hear about near-death experiences or after-life experiences that always, always successfully slap us (me) that
indeed Heaven and Hell is REAL and there is a new life behind death.
Death is just a door.
Scarry but at the same time also bring glory to Lord Jesus because they prove that the Bible is true. And that One True and Living God is Lord Jesus Christ.