74/M on Maintainence haemodialysis, PTCA(Double Vessel Disease, Drug Eluting Stent) 10 days back. On Ticargelor and Aspirin.
Presented with sudden onset haematuria and clot retention?
Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984 happened to control all forms of information - news, education, entertainment and art. The purpose: to delete old historical records and publish new information, so that history is brought in line with Big Brother’s current pronouncement
Indore is home to 10% Registered Investment Advisors of India (RIA).
It was at a point of time called Mini Bombay.
Since RIA came into being in 2013, 90% of 16,400 complaints are from Indore based operators.
Four such firms have been reported to SEBI over 500 times. (Source @TheKenWeb )
Amazon reported its first quarterly loss since 2015 on Thursday.
It reported a loss of $3.84 billion, or $7.56 a share, for the first three months of the year barrons.com/articles/amazo…