.@HeinikoskiSaila from @FIIA_fi is setting the scene at the start of this #townhall on #DifferentiatedIntegration in the wake of Russia's invasion of #Ukraine: the war has already resulted in a flow of refugees into the EU27 and DI could be a valuable tool in Europe's response
The Director-General of the Migration Department in the 🇫🇮 Ministry of the Interior @HulkMi is setting out the Commission's position on #migration and #asylum system in the wake of #Ukraine: "mandatory migration quotas are not politically possible, #solidarity is the answer"
"Finland has consistently supported innovative ways forward. The adoption of the asylum regulation agency last year was an important step forward, and it will be put to good use"
"Finland is ready to show flexibility, to go forward step by step. For us, progress is really what we are looking for"
- @HulkMi, Director-General for Migration, Finnish Ministry of the Interior (@Sisaministerio)
"We must recognise that many of those coming through the asylum system are coming looking for work: we need functional legal pathways for them to find employment in the European Union"
"The use of migration in #HybridAttacks makes the need for progress in Europe's #migration policy ever more important: it would make foreign powers far less able to use #refugees in a hybrid attack"
"Finland has participated in voluntary relocation of #refugees in the recent past, and continues to work decisively for a European solution. If we want to move forward, we need solidarity"
Cecilia Verkleij Deputy Head of Unit of the Asylum Unit in the Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs (@EUHomeAffairs) is joining the #townhall virtually to describe the work DG HOME has been doing to receive #Ukrainian refugees in 🇪🇺
"The Temporary Protection Directive to protect #Ukrainian refugees requires engagement from a wide range of actors, right down to the local level. Not only in the EU, but also from countries like the US and Canada, and the Western Balkans"
"Solidarity is increasingly a key point in this crisis: hopefully the Member States will see the value of solidarity, at least one positive effect of this tragic crisis"
Kari Loukkaanhuhta works as the Head of Coast Guard and Law Enforcement Unit at the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (@Frontex) takes the floor to give an intervention from the perspective of FRONTEX
"Although we had joint operations with the Member States before the #WarinUkraine, we have also seen solidarity from neighbouring states when the crisis started"
"We experienced a lot of unity between the Member States on the operational side, it seems to me differentiated integration is therefore more relevant to the migration side than the operational side"
"The Polish government still rejects the idea of refugee reallocation. The government appreciates the Temporary Protection Directive, but rejects the idea the @EU_Commission should lead the way"
"Even if we have a good situation on the Polish labour market, it is not clear that it will be possible to find jobs for all 1.3M refugees in the country, despite many already finding jobs. Investment is needed to help facilitate this"
.@Annakahi, Special Advisor on Communications and Publications at @HybridCoE, now has the floor to speak about why the Temporary Protection Directive was activated for the #Ukrainian crisis, but not for other migration crises
"The political choice was made to activate the Temporary Protection Directive, but it was not made before. Why? Refugees have been mostly women, children, elderly. Provocative though it is to say, they are also mostly white European Christians"
"In 2015, the gender balance was different: there were more men than now. Again, provocatively, in 2015 refugees were predominantly not white or Christian"
On this note, @FIIA_fi's @JuhaJokela1 opens the Q&A session with our fantastic expert panel, both from the audience in person in #Helsinki as well as from the audience tuning in online
"This topic, given the refugee situation in the wake of Russia's invasion of #Ukraine, is an increasingly relevant and even crucial topic for discussion"
The #InDivEU panel at #PPCParis is starting now! As @tepsaeu and @SciencesPo_CEE are enjoying their parallel sessions, we here at DiCE thought we would highlight some key points from our speakers!
.@IvoBelet describes the importance of European Citizens Panels as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe #CoFoE 👉 this panel of #PPCParis is ALL ABOUT the #FutureofEurope!
#DifferentiatedIntegration is most often used in relation to treaty change, enlargement or crises that require major response. Actions are policy oriented and ad hoc character rather than strategic.
- Stefan Telle, @EUI_Schuman, on salience on #DI among governments
The first day of the #InDivEU Final Conference 'A differentiated future for the European Union?' has just begun🙌
Join Lucia Mokrá (@tepsaeu) and Frank Schimmelfennig (@ETH_en) now for some welcome words!
.@EnricoLetta, President of the Jacques Delors Institute and former Prime Minister of Italy, will now give the keynote speech covering 3 main topics
✅Timeliness of the discussion
✅The contribution of #Brexit
✅Two examples of successful #DifferentiatedIntegration
#Brexit and the results from the negotiations completely changed the discussion on #DifferentiatedIntegration. Now, there is no more a multi-destination Europe, only a multi-speed Europe.
- @EnricoLetta at #InDivEU Final Conference
Watch live ➡️
"#CoFoE gives EU citizens a unique opportunity to debate the #FutureofEurope, and leaders should be ready to face uncomfortable truths about the current functioning of the EU"
First up in the panel is a keynote address from @EU_Commission Vice-Presidency @dubravkasuica, who talks about her brief in the Commission: democracy and demography
The #CoFoE is a key theme of the speech: citizens' role in shaping the #FutureofEurope is a priority of the conference, and citizens from across Europe can deliberate with each other
Our DiCE Townhall: "Differentiated Integration and Migration: The Perception of Reality and Policy" is starting soon! Be sure to join us online via #Zoom or follow along here for the highlights!