1/ #MarkTwain once said "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes". Today, I will talk about a conflict that strongly rhymes to the Russian invasion of #Ukraine. The Sino-Vietnamese War. The amount of similarities between both conflicts deserve our attention.
2/ Understanding the #Sino-#Vietnamese#War will help us understand the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Furthermore, this may be a key to help us understand the position of the Vietnamese population. Note how the Vietnamese government has been particularly cold on their neutrality.
3/ The Sino-Vietnamese War is part of a complicated mess involving #Vietnam, #China, and #Cambodia. It started in February 1979 and ended 27 days later with a full withdrawal of Chinese forces. It is possible to argue that Vietnam won, even if China argues otherwise.
4/ One striking parallel between Vietnam 1979 and Ukraine 2022 is how the aggressor was vastly superior in paper, but nonetheless failed to take the capital of the defending country. Note that #Hanoi and #Kyiv are at 130 km and 80 km from the border crossed by the aggressor.
5/ Another similarity is the international support. In 1979 #Vietnam received help from the #USSR in its fight against #China. Now in 2022, #Ukraine is receiving help from the #US and #EU in its fight against #Russia. In both cases the defenders got the international upper hand.
6/ The clash between China and the USSR represents a profoundly complex subject referred as the Sino-Soviet split. The intricacies of this topic exceeds the intended reach of this thread. Nonetheless, I strongly encourage everybody interested to give it a look.
7/ Back to the main topic, the most striking difference between Vietnam 1979 and Ukraine 2022 is the time frame of the invasions. While China called it quits before a month into their initial attack, Russia keeps pilling losses more than 140 days after the main invasion began.
8/ What can we learn from the similarities and differences? I say there are a couple lessons. Firstly, Ukraine can win, just as Vietnam won. Secondly, the Chinese leadership in 1979 appears to be more capable, proficient, and adaptive than the Russian leadership in 2022.
9/ This was also explains the current attitude of the Vietnamese government. They have been extra dry while addressing this war. Not only they have presented a neutral stance (like other countries). They have the shortest addresses of all of their neighbors and similar countries.
10/ I think that the Vietnamese government stance is because they know they are walking a tightrope. On one side, the attacker is an official ally, while they must feel an overwhelming empathy with Ukraine. Both countries are successors of the ally that saved them in 1979.
11/ Moreover, their once invader, China, is still there and growing stronger every day. With all the Russian military committed in Ukraine (and degrading rapidly), the geopolitical calculation in Vietnam has surely changed dramatically.
12/ My assessment is that the Vietnamese government must be terrified. If Russia losses and collapses as a country. Will China try to take Hanoi again now that Russia is gone? On the other side. If Russia wins. Would that embolden China to take actions detrimental to Vietnam?
13/ Because of this, I'm convinced that the best outcome for Vietnam is the immediate cessation of hostilities. No win for Russia that would embolden China. No Russian collapse that could incite an undesired Chinese power play. Status quo ante bellum.
14/ Such outcome aligns to the Ukrainian objectives. Therefore the obligatory question becomes. What the hell is the Vietnamese government waiting? They, of all people, should be furiously coordinating with the Ukrainian government to end this war. Yet, I only hear silence.
15/ I hope this thread reaches the eyes of Vietnamese officials. Vietnam could make a difference in this horrible war while aligning to their best interests. I kindly request @MFA_Ukraine and @ukrinvnm to push this message to the Vietnamese government. #StandWithUkraine
1/ #SunTzu is credited for the phrase “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak”. This phrase makes sense in warfare. Lets try to analyze the Russian invasion of #Ukraine in this context. Hopefully, this will shed light on the inner workings of the conflict.
2/ At this point, it is no secret that #Russia performance in the #war is mediocre. It failed to conquer Ukraine, a much smaller and less populated country. Moreover, Russia even failed to encircle #Kyiv and #Kharkiv. There is no way to hide this, the Russian armed forces suck.
3/ At the same time, Russian saber rattling is on an all-time high. Russian propagandist threaten to attack #NATO countries. For example, #Lithuania and #Poland in the #Suwalki gap and the #US in #Alaska. “Appear strong when you are weak.” #Putin propagandists know their #SunTzu.
1/ Voltaire has a famous phrase “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”. Atrocities like #Kremenchuk are happening. Therefore, we need to talk about the absurdities. We do this to understand the Russian invasion of #Ukraine#StandWithUkraine
2/ It is important to address and debunk the absurdities that poison the public conversation. For the particular case of the Russian invasion, there is one absurdity that I want to highlight. The idea that Russia is still some kind of superpower. Ridiculous and widespread idea.
3/ There is no way around this. Russia is NOT a superpower. Moreover, let me argue that Russia would have never invaded Ukraine if this “Russia is still a superpower” meme was less prevalent. Lets analyze what makes a superpower and whether Russia classifies as one.
1/ It is said that those who forget their history are condemned to repeat it. If this is true, then we should always remember the Russian atrocities against civilians. Today I’ll focus on one of the most shocking, the March 16, 2022 Russian airstrike against the Mariupol theatre.
2/ #Mariupol was one of the first cities attacked by the Russians at the start of their invasion. Since February 24th, Mariupol residents have been under fire. This caused some to leave, some to stay put at their homes and some to find shelter in designated buildings.
3/ One of such places designated as shelters for civilians was the Donetsk Academic Regional Drama Theatre. It was a multi-storied building at a relatively elevated part of the city. No other structures in close proximity. It made sense to shelter civilians there.
1/ There is a saying that goes like "All aggressive war is based upon miscalculation". If we accept this, the obligatory question becomes: Who miscalculated and threw us into the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Answering this will help us understand the this war.
2/ It will also help us avoid such conflicts in the future. Today, I’ll mention two instances of miscalculation. As with any other major geopolitical event, there are too many moving parts to track. Nonetheless, any serious analysis of the war should consider the following men.
3/ Firstly, PUTIN miscalculated. Duh? No sh*t Sherlock? Bear with me. The important question is: How come? The best explanation I found was given by an article of The Atlantic called Vladimir Putin Has Fallen Into the Dictator Trap. Strongly recommended. Link below.
1/ I saw this population-scaled map a couple weeks ago. It did not receive the attention it deserved, therefore I’m posting it here with additional commentary of my own. reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comm…
2/ This map is one of the best in my opinion. The population-based region sizing avoids any misrepresentation caused by the expanse of sparsely populated oblasts. Similarly, the logarithmic-color-scaling truly shows the abismal casualty disparity between regions.
3/ This map not only shows the scale of the tragedy that the Putin War has become. It also gives a unique insight into the inner workings of the country and its power structures. The social contract of any country is difficult to asses, let alone such huge behemoth as Russia.