1/ Since many people asking why the (#US) United States would be interested in de-industrialize #Europe, I just decided, to explain it.
Europe, United states and all other Western states expanded its market access, since the collapse of the Soviet Union,
2/ dramatically, all over the world. Those Western countries were producing goods for the whole world and hindered those "customer" countries to build up an own reliable economy and industry. #economics#Russia#US#EU#Europe
3/ They were producing with cheap resources and labor from third world, and developing countries (#BRICS). Moreover did they transfer whole industries to these countries, to produce even cheaper and more efficient. By exploiting these countries for their resources, #economics
4/ and denying them in the same time to ascend in their club of wealthy nations, The West made itself dependent on their resources. The West also shared the production and wealth between its members, so that there is social peace in The West and everyone has its share of the
5/ colonial exploitation.
Things changed under the guidance of #Russia and #China with the founding of the #BRICS. They recognized this arrogant dependence of The West on their resources, labor etc. and started developing a plan to even increase this dependence, #economics
6/ above a critical level.
The only thing, that holds together The Western (American) empire, is the social wealth. Everyone has some degree of luxury and don't need to think about food etc.
That's why the people will support any kind of politics, as long as this is sustained.
7/ The only way to end The West and #NATO, without nuclear war, is to break it up from inside, by social unrest. This can be achieved by ending its economy and supply of food, sustainably.
By starting the reconquering of #Ukraine, back into #Russia #economics#US#EU
8/ shit started to hit the fan all over the world. The West will be deprived, as currently happening, of cheap access to labor and resources, as well as food and fertilizer. This will basically end The West's economy and wealth. Several consecutive governments in all European,
9/ and perhaps American governments, as well, will fail. They will keep failing as long as the people size the power (all Western political parties have the same synchronized agenda, when it comes to geopolitics).
Personally I think, that America can survive this. #economics
10/ It looks to me, that the #US follows the plan, to let #Europe to de-industrialize itself (say hello to the Greens 😀) and consolidate the rest under a almighty (US controlled) European Union (#EU).
The West is loosing worldwide its old markets, since they get taken over by
11/ #BRICS. Primarily because all Western goods will be ever more expensive, due to self-sanctions, massive #inflation in general, and massive price rises of energy (production factor) in particular. By loosing markets world wide, I can imagine, that the #US wants to secure
12/ #Europe, as a big customer state for its goods, and in future, as cheap labor force (what a downfall...), by ending the share of markets between the Western nations. In future will not all Western nations export goods to the still accessible markets, no, only the #US will.
13/ Therefore the remaining Western countries will need to be eliminated as competing industrial nations. They will be transformed as purely buyers, as the developing and third world nations was, for The West until now. Again... what a downfall is developing before our eyes...
14/ With this strategy, the #US might have the chance, to survive, not as a superpower, but still as a great, powerful and influential nation, with its own colonies (#Europe etc.). Popular resistance in Europe, after the industry starts to fall...? #economics#geopolitics
15/ Possible, but there are still huge amount of #US troops and equipment all over #Europe. Don't think, that the US will simply let its colonies into independence... Those troops are not there for protection... More like "protection" in "cosa nostra".
1/ People asking all the time, why #Russia isn't telling straight forwardly, that the reduction of #gas flows to #Europe is a counter sanction. It annoys me as well, that they don't communicate it straight "in their face" that they are being recked currently. Well...
2/ Russia can't do that currently.
Because #Russia needs to be a reliable partner for the emerging new order and the (now overtaking) global south. #Ukraine#BRICS#Europe#EU
3/ Russia wouldn't be in the best position internationally (global south), if claiming that it wants to fight such behavior, but on the other hand is applying it on its own.
That's why I expect some more ridicules and awkward games, until #Russia can eventually fully cease #gas
1/ I want to add some more details about the potential reshaping of European alliances and territories.
Moreover I want to address the question about how #Serbia and #Hungary could survive opposing Western orders. #Russia#Ukraine#Kiev#Donbass
2/ I was asking myself for some time, since the beginning of the #SMO, how does #Orban, from #Hungary, and #Vucic, from #Serbia, openly withstand the Western pressure, to comply. Why was I curious?
- They can't withstand The West militarily.
- They would be sanctioned to death.
3/ - They are landlocked with hostile #NATO countries (I know, that #Hungary IS NATO)
Under such circumstances you can NOT afford, to not follow Western orders.
How can they do it then?
If we take a look at the map, then I think we can see the answer. See my attached map.
1/ With this thread I want to re-explain in short, why #Russia is making little gains these days in #Ukraine. Especially amidst the steady reporting of the Western #MSM and various Western "intelligence" (propaganda) reports, that Russia's offensive is stalling.
2/ Of course I explained it in detail in my previous threads, which you can read as well.
See here.
The reason, why I decided to re-write it, is a conversation, that I had recently with some smart Western business and academic partners.
3/ They are actually smart people, but when it comes down to #Ukraine, they reiterate 1:1 the #MSM content. #Russia is done, Russia will collapse, Russia lost a million men, Russia doesn't gain any ground anymore, etc. etc. etc.
So feel free to share my thread with such people :)
1/ Today I want to address the question about, how the #Russia|n troops were prepared for this conflict and how the preparations may look going forwards.
Especially against the background of the accusations, that the Russian troops were badly prepared and that #Ukraine will
2/ prepare a large army this year and start a large scale counter offensive against #Russia|n troops.
First of all, I can only offer my assumptions, I do NOT have deep insights.
Part 1 --> Russian troops were badly prepared:
Here we have a fundamental problem. When the invasion
3/ were prepared from January 2021, going forward, I'm sure, the soldiers were NOT informed about the actual invasion plans. And that makes absolutely sense.
Here is why:
It is more likely, that soldiers leak information, then general staff members. #Ukraine#Russia#Donbass
1/ When will #Ukraine fall and what will trigger it?
Some thoughts about strategy:
Many people often discussing why Ukraine is holding on some undefendable places in #Donbass and by doing this, sacrificing a huge quantity of people and material.
The best current example is
2/ the battle for #Severodonestk and #Lyssytschansk.
Well, of course I do not have inside information, but here are my assumptions.
The #Donbass (and some neighboring oblasts as well) is the industrial center of #Ukraine. From my point of view all Western, and Ukrainian
3/ intelligence and government institutions know very well, that #Ukraine will fall to #Russia. Therefore the question arose how to make it sustainably as painful as possible for the Russians, and thereby for Ukrainians, which will fall back into the Russian sphere.
1/ Recently I was writing about the strategic military situation in #Ukraine in context to the analysis of #ScottRitter. Today I want to add some more information. Scott is pointing out some "difficulties" that he sees in the #Russia|n military campaign. I want to name them
2/ and try to explain, why I do not share his concerns. Not because I want to "debunk" something, but I think, Scott is thinking mainly from a military perspective, and that's why it is always not wrong, to add political and economical elements to it. #Russia#Ukraine#Donbass
3/ Scott sees the following issues: 1) There is a army being forged out in central/western #Ukraine and in the #EU states as well. Therefore the #Donbass formations buying time for them to be trained and equipped. 2) #Ukraine will get high amounts of money and be flooded by