✔️61.5%: systemic features before the onset of mucocutaneous manifestations
✔️13.7%: exclusively with mucocutaneous manifestations without systemic features
✔️36.0%: rectal pain
✔️16.8% sore throat, and
✔️15.7% penile oedema. 4/
Penile edema
A 34-YO, Crohn’s disease receiving adalimumab: multiple penile lesions with clinically significant associated oedema
On day 5 of symptoms: erythema & swelling that extended from the mid-penile shaft to the glans (admission). 5/
Rectal perforation in a 46-YO man (HIV <200 copies/mL on antiretroviral therapy, CD4 1200 cells/μL), with severe rectal pain
T2 MR: a 3.5 cm cavity in L mesorectum, adjacent to the rectal wall representing an area of localised perforation (arrow) 7/
11.2% participants: with a #monkeypox solitary lesión
A 53-YO👨🦳(HIV <200 cps/mL on antiretroviral therapy), with a single skin lesion on his thigh: a 4×2 cm, tender area of induration with a central area of crusting was noted, along with bilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy 8/
35.5% with #monkeypox cutaneous manifestations at different stages of evolution:
a 48-YO man, on day 3 he developed pustular lesions with an erythematous base. By day 17 the genital lesions had crusted over; however, the patient developed new pustular lesions on his hands. 9/
13.7% participants: an maculopapular rash of varying distribution & rapid onset, separate to areas of blistering or pustules
A 36-YO man (HIV <200 cps/mL on antiretroviral therapy, CD4 >400 cells/μL), with progressive rash soon after perianal vesicles 10/ #dermatologia#MedEd
13.7%: oropharyngeal lesions & nine (4.6%) had tonsillar erythema, pustules, oedema, or abscess
A 25-YO man: with erythematous maculopapular rash on back & arms, with areas of confluent erythema (Left) & R tonsillar abscess (pustular lesion & yellow-green exudate) (right)
#MonkeyPox confluent lesions: a 40-YO man (HIV <200 copies/mL on antiretroviral therapy, CD4 >500 cells/μL), first presented with vesicular lesions at the base of his penis. Multiple lesions progressed to become confluent, subsequently forming a large ulcer 12/ #dermatology
10.2%: admitted to hospital for the management of symptoms, most commonly rectal pain & penile swelling 13/
These presentations should be included in public health messaging mainly among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men seen in the non-endemic countries to aid early diagnosis and reduce onward transmission. 14/ bmj.com/content/378/bm… #MonkeypoxVirus
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A 32-YO HIV+ patient, from a rural area of Colombia, severely immunosuppressed (<50 CD4 cells/mm3): ulcers in lower limbs, was found with a larvae coming out from one ulcer (Figure). 1/5
W Villamil et al. Rev Panam Enf Inf 2018; 1(1):40-41.
#parasitology #microbiology
The larva was identified, as possible Tenebrio molitor.
Patient was treated with trimethoprim with a successful evolution 2/5
#healthcare #primarycare
Canthariasis is a rare #ectoparasitic condition.
It is the second important insectal disease after myiasis.
Several species of beetles are reported to cause the disease in gastrointestinal tract, urogenital system, nasal sinuses, ears & faces of mammals. 3/5
23 años ♀️, LES en tratamiento inmunosupresor: pápulas asintomáticas de un año de evolución en el párpado izquierdo, con aumento progresivo en número y tamaño. 1/5
El molusco contagioso:
✔️infección viral cutánea,
✔️usualmente benigna y autolimitada
El virus del molusco contagioso se trasmite habitualmente por contacto directo entre individuos infectados, durante las relaciones sexuales o mediante objetos contaminados 3/5
6 años♂️: dolor y alopecia en placas en cuero cabelludo de 3 meses de evolución; en las últimas 48 horas, fiebre y cefalea, adenopatías cervicales < 2 cm. 1/4
@lauracatty95@juliaserralabos@SeanPYeh@ContinuumAEP@aepediatria ✔️Una o varias placas dolorosas con folículos y pústulas rodeadas de áreas de alopecia eritematosas; pueden evolucionar a abscesos.
✔️“signo de la espumadera”: salida de pus por los orificios de los folículos pilosos al hacer presión lateral sobre la zona. 3/4
A 44-yo♂️, HIV +, CD4 cell count of 86/mL, viral load of 35,900 copies/mL: a 1-month history of fevers and pruritic blackish-brown lamellated plaques on the limbs and scalp.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm2213894 #IDtwitter#dermatology
A RPR titer of 1:32.
A Treponema pallidum particle agglutination: ➕.
A skin-biopsy of the left forearm 🔬: diffuse dermal lymphocytes and histiocytes admixed with a plasma-cell infiltrate.
Routine staining methods (haematoxylin & eosin & Warthin-Starry) can identify spirochetes on the surface of enterocytes.
Histologically, characteristic findings include a decrease in microvilli &a predominantly eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrate.
Lactante, un mes de vida: fiebre, placa en la cara ligeramente sobreelevada, eritematosa, con coloración anaranjada periférica, delimitada, y con aumento de temperatura a la palpación 1/7
@ContinuumAEP@aepediatria ERISIPELA
✔️infección superficial que afecta a la dermis superior, el tejido celular subcutáneo y a veces al sistema linfático,
✔️causada en la mayoría de los casos por S. pyogenes o estreptococos de los grupos B, C o G. 2/7
@ContinuumAEP@aepediatria Origen: interrupción de la barrera cutánea por picaduras de insecto, erosiones, etc.
Comienzo: agudo
Placa eritematosa con bordes bien definidos y ligeramente elevados
Localización predilecta: miembros inferiores y cara
Frecuente: adenopatías regionales. 3/7