[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Some [Fifties Generation members] conformed to & followed the WWII Generation mentality & some others, a lesser number, were radically individualistic free-thinkers & social experimenters;” []
[] “These free-thinking sorts were cast alongside the pervasive conforming mindset of the Fifties, which was embraced by the great majority of that generation.” []
[] “Yet this dual nature of the Fifties Generation was an influential template in creating the stark division that we see in America as the Culture War, today.” []
[] “Revolutionary numbers for the 50s Generation were not large, relatively, yet in being the initiators of many of the evolutionary ideas that would come into fruition in the 60s, these 50s Gen members were extremely important.” []
[] “Meanwhile, the conforming side of the Fifties Generation would continue their alliance with outmoded & dangerous ideas as brought to them from their culture & their WWII Generation elders.” []
[]“A more evolved generation, which was a result of the change in parenting practices, occurring over this time, sought better recreational drugs—ones that were not as much about denial & defensiveness but about openness & self-realization.”[]
[] “…so the effect of marijuana for most people is to open them to some of the pleasurable feelings that have gotten repressed along with the repression of Pain.” []
[] “…marijuana fosters an alpha-wave state of consciousness—the state sought by meditators. Which brings up another effect: Cannabis reduces one’s feelings of needing to achieve or to be goal- or achievement-oriented.” []
[] “In contrast to drugs like alcohol & nicotine, which serve to aid repression & to help to numb or reduce one’s perception of both inner & outer reality,..” []
[] “…for some people this effect of marijuana changes with continued drug use. It is as if the continued “bending” of defenses can eventually lead to a “loosening” of them….” []
[]“Because the normal person is motivated mostly by past, or primal, pains or traumas & is acting out scripts or roles that are pathetic attempts to re-create or struggle with events that happened a long time ago,...”[]
[] “…[Because the normal person is acting out scripts or roles that are pathetic attempts to re-create or struggle with events that happened a long time ago,] the normal person is not really IN the present.” []
[] “The person, as humanistic psychologists have described, is inauthentic & is acting out games or scripts, about which they are totally unconscious.” []
[] “[Normal people] have identified with these scripts, roles, goals, & motivations—the outgrowth of a completely unique set of past experiences of pain & trauma—& haven’t a clue as to their arbitrary character.” []
[]“One can become aware of one’s actions as pathetically seeking to satisfy very old needs,which are totally irrelevant to the present context,w others who are similarly & robot-like also seeking to satisfy very different past deprivations.”[]
[]“One perceives that ordinary motivations in pursuit of normal social values such as achievement, status/popularity,& pleasing appearance are meaningless rituals—games—that are totally irrelevant to the true nature of one’s being or reality.”
[] “…& the belief that their contemporary society [of the 1950s] was characterized by alienation, conformism, inauthenticity, and, most tellingly, ‘phoniness.’” []
[] “The normal life of the WWII Generation was seen as a ‘rat race,’ motivated by such high ideals (sarcasm intended) as ‘keeping up with the Joneses,’ & pervasive materialism & consumerism.” []
[] “…art was deemed a weapon, however impotent, with which to rail against what seemed an overwhelming, huge mainstream ignorance or unconsciousness.” []
[] “The Sixties Generation—also called the Vietnam Generation & the Baby-Boomers—would make a complete break with the dominant culture. They would create a counterculture.” []
[] “[The 60s Generation] would redefine everything; they would seek to start everything over again, in view of the corruption & conformity they discovered all around them in the form of the establishment.” []
This is an excerpt from my new book, *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*
it's about how people say, "the lesser of two evils is still evil."
being used currently, e.g., to promote Jill Stein over any Democratic candidate.
but it's b.s.
check it out>
CW22 LTE/1
“…the Republicans would encourage a narrative in the country & in the social media that goes like this: “The lesser of two evils is still evil.” Which has it that all evil things are equally bad.”
“Say, you had to decide btwn 1 person on a hill being bombed out of existence vs 100 people on a nearby hill getting killed. This thinking on lesser evils being evil would have it that both instances—100 dead versus 1 death—are equally evil.”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Alcohol numbs pain & creates a euphoric state by blotting out higher-order cerebral-cortical functioning. It reduces access to memory, diminishes physio-motor skills, blocks anxiety, depression, & nervousness.”[]
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “These instances may be seen as the examples of the use of ‘The Big Lie’ as a major, sometimes the only, strategy in conservatives’ attempts...” []
[Quotes/highlights:] “… when I had my first personal experience with a major national lie at the age of 19—one that involved an obvious collusion of State Dept, Dept of Defense, & all the major newspapers in America—I was shaken.”