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Nov 9, 2022 247 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Thread: Until republicans figure out that the UN WEF technocrats have taken over every aspect of life (government, civil society, academia, corporations & NGOs), they will never understand what is happening in our country therefore they will continue fighting the wrong fight.
As John Kerry said yesterday, technocrats do not care about a politician or election. Why? Because of private/public partnerships (fascism). The government gives corporations money to change everyone’s behaviors which cuts congress out of the picture (no democracy).
Republicans call democrats Marxists and communists (which there is a wing of) but the Biden/Obama wing, plus Bush/McConnell republicans, are technocrats. This thread is a start to understanding what technocracy is.
The Biden UN WEF technocrats are intentionally destroying the energy industry. Why? Because they say that you have to destroy the western way of life in order to usher in global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. Biden was telling the truth about destroying coal.
The tech companies are UN WEF technocrats. With Microsoft running the software for elections, along with our administrative & intelligence states being part of the technocracy, the midterm results should not come as a surprise especially after 2020.

Republicans laugh about the democrat climate cult which is a fatal error as the UN WEF technocrats are using “climate change” as the catalyst for global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. The Paris agreement is the roadmap. 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
Paris agreement continued ImageImage
The technocrats have taken over education as they have to indoctrinate the younger generations so that they are compliant. They use “climate change” as the way to radicalize kids globally and create global citizens. ASU is an example.
The UN technocrats, under UNESCO, have been working for decades on taking over education, ie Hillary Clintons it takes a village. This also explains parents being removed from education & gender radicalization. It’s all to destroy the family unit & create a compliant citizenry.
The UN WEF technocrats (which in the states includes both republicans & democrats) have been working on ushering in global technocratic governance for decades. The Bush family are technocrats. Bush Sr got the ball rolling with the “new world order”.…
The UN WEF technocrats have been working for decades to usher in global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance, ie our global neighborhood. 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
Our global neighborhood continued 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
Any corporation that is involved in the rush to net zero (willingly or unknowingly) is a partner in destroying the US and ushering in global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. Image
The UN WEF technocrats are telling us that they are intentionally destroying the energy industry while Republican politicians laugh to the detriment of our country. Image
The Biden UN WEF technocrats are intentionally destroying the energy industry. Why? Because they have to destroy the western way of life in order to usher in global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. Image
Biden UN WEF global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. ImageImageImageImage
The UN WEF technocrats have brainwashed kids into believing the world is going to explode due to "climate change". What they are really doing is creating a Maoist guard to implement their policies through activism.

The technocrats will never allow for another free & fair election because they have to break the citizens who then ask for help from the same people who broke them. Then comes the technocratic takeover. Why did FL turn red? Because DeSantis was prepared.…
A global carbon tax is part of technocracy as capitalism would be replaced with an economic system based on energy (smart thermometers, EVs with battery passports, carbon credits, etc).

The UN WEF technocrats are implementing technocracy by taking over cities and municipalities through the guise of private/public partnerships. Washington DC, Jersey City and Helsinki are part of a new effort to document and scale global best practice.…
The UN WEF Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the pillars for global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance.
Agenda 21 seeks to control populations through zoning & seizure of private property, strip national sovereignty, reduce the world population, & control our consumption in the name of "climate change". It takes over every aspect of life.…
What is technocracy? A global system of control via surveillance dominated by the elite unrestrained by traditional values.
Technocracy, the science of human control with the end goal being a dictatorship where the rulers are the UN WEF technocrats and their partners in corporations, NGOs, academia, and civil society. Bush Sr referred to this as the new world order, as has Biden.
The new world order = the great reset = build back better = sustainable development goals = global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance
The World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab (along with the UN) are at the center of technocracy.
Technocracy is a system of rewards and punishments depending on how obedient you are to the technocratic system. Undesirables will be punished.

Republicans think it is a communist revolution but the chaos is from the UN WEF technocratic revolution.
If you don’t go along with the technocratic dictates, you will be cancelled from your job, social media, and eventually your bank account (cashless society, digital currency, etc).

Sound familiar?
Under technocracy, you have no rights, only privileges (you will own nothing and be happy).
A cashless society is a method of control in technocracy.……
Public private partnerships (fascism). Getting the corporations to implement the control mechanisms that the government can’t due to our system of governance. It’s the antithesis of democracy.
The Council shall consist of not more than 25 members to be appointed by the President from the public & private sectors & who represent industrial, environmental, governmental, and NGOs with experience relating to matters of sustainable development.…
Newt Gingrich on Agenda 21 (also referred to as Agenda 2030)

UN-Habitat envisions well-planned, well-governed, and efficient cities and other human settlements, with adequate housing, infrastructure, and universal access to employment and basic services such as water, energy, and sanitation.
Adequate shelter & services are a basic human right which places an obligation on Governments to ensure their attainment by all people, beginning with direct assistance to the least advantaged through guided programmes of self-help and community action.…
Club Of Rome: The Origin Of Climate And Population Alarmism… Image
From 1977: Rockerfeller fund issues blueprint for a no-energy economy

Technocracy has been in the works for decades. Technology has finally caught up so the surveillance/control apparatus is now operational.…
Collectivism is essential to technocracy. Individualism no longer exists. ImageImage
Your choice of food under technocracy will be bugs or plant-based. Image
The Unfinished Agenda is the precursor to Agenda 21/2030. It drove Jimmy Carter's energy policy & now it is driving Biden's & the UN WEF. It calls for population control, degrowth, & recycling poop into energy (as done in North Korea). "Some people may not make it." ImageImage
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” Maurice Strong propagator of the scientifically flawed theory that man-made CO2 emissions causes Global Warming.…
As Secretary General of the UN Rio Conference, Strong also commissioned a report from the Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, authored by Alexander King which admitted that the CO2 global warming claim was merely an invented ruse to force change.... Image
"We've got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing — in terms of economic policy and environmental policy." Former Democrat Senator Tim Wirth, now president of the UN Foundation.
The UN WEF technocrats will assign where you are going to live within a dense urban block. It’s called a 15 minute city where everything you need is within walking or biking distance so you won’t need a car.

This is what it looks like when a company has bent the knee to the UN WEF technocrats in the name of sustainability.

A car company that is no longer about cars but is about joy and humanity. Image
Patrick Wood is an expert in technocracy and explains what the technocrat speak really means.

Indoctrinating students into sustainable development, the pillars of global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance, aka creating a new generation of technocrats.… Image
Agenda 2030 is a shared blueprint for peace & prosperity for people and the planet, now & into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries in a global partnership.
All of the chaos around the world is because the UN WEF technocrats are implementing agenda 2030, a blueprint to transform the world by ushering in global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance.… Image
The UN WEF technocrats are running full speed ahead to destroy the energy industry. When any WEF attendee (BoA) tells you that they r not divesting from coal, oil or gas, they are lying to you. This MUST be stopped. @glennbeck @GovRonDeSantis @GovAbbott @RepJimBanks @tedcruz 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
Destroying the energy sector continued. 🧵@MariaBartiromo @LouDobbs @marklevinshow ImageImageImageImage
Destroying the energy sector continued. 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
These organizations are actively working to destroy the energy industry. @MariaBartiromo @LouDobbs @glennbeck @tedcruz @marklevinshow @GovRonDeSantis @Jim_Jordan @RepJimBanks @GovAbbott Image
Database of fossil fuel divestment commitments. All of these companies are working 2 destroy civilization by destroying the energy industry. @tedcruz @GovRonDeSantis @marklevinshow @GovAbbott @Jim_Jordan @LouDobbs @MariaBartiromo @RepJimBanks @glennbeck
How do the UN WEF technocrats get people to go along with "climate change", destroying the energy industry, and radically changing society? They call anything that doesn't fit their narrative disinformation and via censorship. This creates a hive mentality and group think. ImageImageImageImage
Climate change was used as a scare tactic to get people to unknowingly go along with global technocratic governance. The originators of climate change as a weapon knew it was fabricated. ImageImageImageImage
This is the dark origin of Schwab’s Great Reset agenda where we should eat worms and have no private property in order to “save the planet.” The agenda is dark, dystopian and meant to eliminate billions of us “ordinary humans.” ImageImage
The implementation of the New Urban Agenda contributes to the localization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in an integrated manner, and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets.

Technocrat takeover of cities.…
The Rockefeller's battle against climate change contains elements of sophisticated propaganda , futurism, & New Age philosophy, aiming at a complete transformation of the whole earth system, including economy, ecology, culture, & humanity itself.

The leading partners of the UN Global Goals project reveal the real technocratic agenda that lies behind the polished feel-good facade – it involves a plan to fully integrate mankind into a technological surveillance apparatus overseen by a powerful AI.…
We are at a moment in history that is full of opportunity. Technology is poised to transform the lives of millions of people throughout the world.…
Founded in 2017, 2030Vision is a partnership of businesses, NGOs, and academia that aims to transform the use of technology to support the delivery of the SDGs.…
Organizations & individuals such as the WEF and Bill & Melinda Gates have risen to the challenge of envisioning the world in 2030. Common themes include increasing
urbanization and the end of the internal combustion engine.…
The biggest healthcare challenge which technology
will need to tackle by 2030 is the interaction between
climate change and health.…
Transhumanism: Gene editing allows cost efficient and reliable targeted modifications to DNA. Image
Smart grids enable two-way communication between end users of energy and utility companies, or distributed energy sources, to more efficiently and reliably manage energy usage. Image
The Biden UN WEF technocrats want to teach you what to think not how to think.

Enter the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed/Brainwashed Public.
Instead of consumers driving the market, the UN WEF fascist totalitarians are going to force your behaviors, such as buying EVs that no one wants or can afford. Best outcome will be that these companies go bankrupt when they have no sells. Will be a necessary correction. @GM
The Trilateral Commission and the New World Order. The Trilateral Commission’s goal is to abolish the sovereignty of nations and establish one world government!…
How do technocrats get you to be quiet about their plans? They call you a conspiracy theorist. One such technocrat wrote that "the plan (agenda 21) would destroy American property rights & result in a ban on cars powered by fossil fuel" as a way to call someone a nut. Well... ImageImageImageImage
Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city — or should I say, “our city”. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.…
The technocrat also said that "it would force Americans from the land they own" was a right-wing conspiracy. How'd that work out? ImageImage
A one stop shop to understand everything that is going on in the world and what is causing the chaos.
The Internet of Bodies: When the human body is the communications channel, it’s hard to hack the data.…
Anyone think we really have free speech anymore? Image
Get ready for a global takeover by the UN WEF technocrats due to a planetary climate emergency. ImageImageImageImage
Planetary emergency continued ImageImage
The UN WEF technocrats are demanding that US taxpayers pay climate reparations to the global south, aka a wealth transfer so the technocrats can colonize Africa and South America’s natural resources. ImageImageImageImage
How to build climate resilience through gaming, aka we are going to use technology to create a complaint citizenry.

State Department translation: I am at COP to advance Biden’s climate agenda of transitioning to global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance and destroying the energy industry which is the basis of human existence.
Thr US State Department implementing the UN WEF technocratic plan to take over all of the natural resources. #Agenda2030 #wef
The Biden UN WEF technocratic takeover. You will own nothing and be happy.

Instead of education, the UN WEF technocrats have taken over to indoctrinate youth into sustainable development (technocracy) using climate change as the catalyst. They must become compliant and not critical thinkers. #ClimateScam #climate
Everything Podesta says is the technocratic movement, from constant surveillance, to experts making all decisions, to energy replacing a market economy. It also proves that the dems lied about the IRA. It was always about “sustainability”, aka technocracy. #climate
“Climate change” is not about climate change. That is why the so called experts haven’t been able to figure out how to harness the wind and sun for a century. It’s all about ushering in global UN WEF technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. #ClimateScam #climate…
This is what you can expect under the UN WEF Agenda 21/2030, aka technocracy. It should all sound familiar. #ClimateScam #climate
The UN WEF sustainability cult is really about technocracy, a scientific dictatorship. The technocrats have been trying to usher in technocracy for decades but they finally figured out how to get people unknowingly on board… climate change. #ClimateScam #climate…
Communitarianism is the localization of the control mechanism of technocracy. It strips away the individual and replaced with the “greater good”. #ClimateScam #climate…
A thorough walk through of what a communitarian hell would look like. #ClimateScam #climate

The UN WEF technocrats have been working 4 decades to usher in global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance but they couldn’t figure out how to get the public to buy into a scientific dictatorship. Enter “climate change”. The real enemy is humanity. #ClimateScam #climate
Communitarianism = our common future and global shapers…
How do you get young people to unknowingly work to usher in global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance? You scare them into believing that the planet is going to blow up. What they have done to these kids is criminal. #climate #ClimateScam
The UN WEF technocrats have created a compliant generation of non-critical thinking Maoist green guards who perpetuate the climate scam. The real anxiety will start when they figure out that they have been duped. #ClimateScam #climate
Only 4% of our transportation fuels are renewables but the Biden UN WEF technocrats are on route to destroy the energy industry by 2030. You know what that means… deaths and famine, and a country so weakened that an enemy could destroy us in a day. #ClimateScam #climate
The one good thing the UN WEF technocrats are good at is making crap sound good, ie sustainability instead of scientific dictatorship. But, if you read their white papers, listen to what they say, & study their history it all becomes clear, & it’s nefarious. #ClimateJusticeNow
Build Back Better = the great reset = the new world order = sustainability = global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance…
This is one of the authors of The Club of Rome’s book “The Limits to Growth”.

What is sustainability really about? The degrowth movement and depopulation. #climate #climatescam #Agenda2030 #COP27
When you want to find out what the UN WEF technocrats really think or what their goals are, don’t ask a US politician. They lie.

On that note, this is a thread of what the Biden UN WEF technocrats are really about. #ClimateScam #Degrowth #ClimateAdaptation #COP27
Sustainability means degrowth and depopulation, and mankind is the enemy (as mentioned in a prior post).
The Club of Rome was the quasi predecessor of the WEF. The problem they saw was not “climate change”. That came in later to get the public on board with their philosophy. The problem was growth and too many people.
Apparently since there are too many people, a food shortage is a good thing. Perhaps the increased talk of food shortages is a warning.
What is a positive development to UN WEF technocrats? The number of children per woman in the world has declined so the population bomb has been stopped. Another positive is the increased number of climate zealots.
The fossil fuel economy is ending and since there will be no growth, the GDP will be replaced with a happy DP.
The climate isn’t collapsing. The decline in the Happy Domestic Product (HDP) from income inequality is what will piss people off (which scares the technocrats).
Technocracy is an economy based on energy, not prices. The more money you make, the more energy you expend. Knowing how these people think, the logical progression is that keeping people poor is a good thing because that means less energy is wasted.
Technocracy is an economic system based on energy, not prices. What technocrats will do is try to figure out at what “income” energy use is stabilized then everyone will be allotted the same amount of spendable energy points which will fluctuate depending on your social credit.
In plain speak… In order to create prosperity, you have to have top down, authoritarian, centrally planned, technocratic governance.
China is the model technocratic government but people don’t like China because of the Uyghurs so we use Sweden & Norway as examples. Norway was great because of their technocratic government but then the right wing nuts showed up which slowed down the welfare state.
The UN WEF technocrat’s focus on women and girls is because when they are educated and have access to contraception, they have less children which solves the problem of population growth.

Explains the left’s obsession with abortion and transgenderism.
Even after we get rid of coal, oil and gas, we will still need to pull carbon out of the air in order to have net-negative emissions.
Oil and gas workers will need to transition to building floating platforms with windmills. That will shift them from dirty work to sustainability. We’ll tax the rich to cover the drop in income of the new windmill makers.
This is why the Biden UN WEF technocrats must destroy the US in order to usher in global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance.
I tweaked his answer a bit based on research.

So what do we need to do? We must shift from a fossil fuel economy with a GDP ASAP to an economy where we can monetize people’s data based on all of the smart technology and implants. Energy credits will be based on data collected.
Green jobs don’t pay well and capitalists won’t invest in non profitable industries so we need the federal government to pay their salaries if the companies will invest.
"The Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition (CEET), a high-level body of engineers and energy system experts helping build the UN Secretary General’s coalition to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, has convened for the first time at COP27."…
The UN Industrial Development Organization is the specialized agency of the UN that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization & sustainability contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Technocracy: The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network mobilizes global scientific & technological expertise to promote the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.
Public:Private partnerships, aka fascism.... SDSN works closely with United Nations agencies, multilateral financing institutions, the private sector, and civil society.
Collective action (communitarianism), higher taxes and more regulations are needed to usher in global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance.
How do you pay for the unjust transition to global technocratic governance? Taxes, print money, or borrow money from China.

You borrow money from the rich and pay interest rates back from the poor.
I loved the US from the 70s but not today. In the US there is no way you will get support for an authoritarian government so the US is lost. They are going to gradually decline while China rises as the super power of the world.
China is great because they can just print money since they are a communist technocracy. Congress in the US gets in the way but they will work around that someday with regulations and the central bank.…
The World in 2050 initiative aims to develop science-based transformational & equitable pathways to sustainable development that can provide much needed guidance for policy makers responsible for the implementation of the SDGs.

This includes your sustainable diet. ImageImageImage
What can you do? Vote for a red Green Party.

Says it all.…
The EU has put up machine guns at the borders to keep illegal immigrants out so that we can maintain a higher quality of living which will keep the EU from collapsing.

You don’t say.
The speech was a couple of years ago. What does the Club of Rome member say now after using “climate change” for decades to push for a global technocratic order?

If the climate collapse had come, it would have been global.

This is criminal.

#ClimateScam #COP27 #climate
Such a small circle.…
If you think kids are messed up now, wait until the UN WEF technocrats are in complete control (lifelong learning, earning badges instead of being educated, online learning with data harvesting, etc.). #Agenda2030 #COP27
Just started down the rabbit hole of the 4th Industrial Revolution, digital twin cities, virology as the tool of control, nano technology, etc. All I can say is, we have no idea what is really going on. #wef #4thindustrialrevolution #Agenda2030…
The 4th Industrial Revolution. Implants to track your every move and control your every behavior via a social credit score. #wef
Translation.... We will be taking away farm land and making everyone live in dense urban areas
Of the six key mitigation actions recommended for the different country profiles, reducing and/or avoiding excessive food and red meat consumption.

Translation, we are going to dictate every aspect of your life, including what you can eat. ImageImage
Reparative justice and financing mechanisms to cope with adaptation and loss & damage costs.

Translation, American taxpayers will be paying climate reparations to the global south, aka a transfer of wealth intended to lessen our way of life.…
The Global Schools Program has been selected as 1 of the leading education innovations by HundrED, a global organization that recognizes inspiring innovations in primary & secondary ed.

Translation: We are brainwashing your kids to make them compliant.…
The continued need for students to develop 21st century skills including social and emotional learning; an increasing focus on student wellbeing and mental health; and equity in education.

Translation: We are preparing kids to be compliant not to think.…
For the first time the UN General Assembly has focused on the fourth sustainable development goal, education.

Translation: We are making your kids compliant and tech enabled so we can harvest their data and track their lifelong "learning".…
Translation: We will be creating compliant global citizens who will thrive under global technocracy. Image
"We believe that through identifying, amplifying, and facilitating the implementation of K12 education
innovations, our global education systems can be transformed and students equipped with the skills to
thrive as global citizens."…
Education will be focused on creating compliant citizens who are emotionally stable to deal with the dystopia they will live in. Entrepreneurship to technocrats means the gig economy because automation will have taken away the need to work. Image
Technocrats say that educated women are less likely to have many children, if any at all. That is why they focus on girls and contraception (abortion). It's backdoor population control. Image
Notice what is missing in the UN WEF technocratic educational goals?

Why is everything in the world chaotic? Because the Biden UN WEF technocrats are busy remaking every aspect of society while republicans in the US can't figure out what happened in the mid-terms. Let me help explain... Technocrats will never let us hold another free election. Image
Want to use visual stories & films to develop global citizenship? The Global Oneness Project provides films & photo essays which explore cultural, social, & enviro issues & lesson plans using stories as a pedagogical tool to inspire growing minds.…
Standing alongside partners including UNICEF and UNESCO, we produce free & creative resources for educators to teach lessons, run projects & stimulate action in support of the Sustainable Development Goals
This lesson helps students understand the global ‘learning crisis’ and speak up for SDG 4: Quality Education. By teaching your students how to work with education statistics, you can empower them to become ‘fact-ivists’ and use information to make change!…
A data platform that enables all stakeholders in the education ecosystem by providing access to continuous student learning data. The platform gathers data on every learner’s needs & provides info & curated resources to chart adaptive learning paths.…
There are seven years left until 2030, when the clock runs out on the SDGs. In those seven years, I believe we need to be more experimental to draw the power and finance of the private sector into the SDGs’ vision.

This is fascism.…
Shifting to less carbon-intensive modes – that is, from private vehicles to public transport, shared mobility, walking & cycling, water-based freight, electrified road–rail freight, & cargo bikes for deliveries.

Translation: No privately owned cars.…
Translation: The technocrats are going to force your behavioral change.… Image
How do you create a hive mind around climate change? You meet people where they are. In this case, inserting climate ideology into gaming including Call of Duty. #GamingNews #hivemind #climate #ClimateScam
People are going to get violent when we automate them out of their jobs, including professionals who don’t think it can happen to them.

Translation: We will all be living off of UBI and if you don’t like it, we’ll reduce your social credit score.
CEOs are trying to get all of the new skills they need into their businesses but what do you do with “those people” who won’t or can’t be retrained who will want to just cling to what they used to be doing. #wef #Agenda2030 #4thindustrialrevolution
Climate change is the mechanism that technocrats came up with to get people around the world to go along with global technocratic governance.

Patrick Wood is an expert on the UN WEF technocratic movement. His book is a must read.…
The UN WEF technocratic fascist totalitarians are going to force you to comply with their ideology by forcing behavioral changes. ImageImageImageImage
Gaming is going to be one of the biggest ways we can reach people w/ climate survival indoctrination. One of the biggest challenges is to get people to change their behavior while we transition to global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. #gaming #ClimateScam #climate
The way to get greater peace and security is to make sure everybody has a common view of the truth.

This is the epitome of the hive mind and why technocrats must shut down speech by screeching disinformation. Facts get in their way of indoctrination. #wef #Agenda2030
This is communitarianism. It erases the individual in deference to the community/greater good.
Private:public partnerships = fascism

This link will take you to the list of some of the companies involved in the global UN WEF technocratic takeover.… ImageImage
The originators of the “climate change” hysteria meant it as a method to control population growth.

The UN WEF technocrats ran with the mantra in order to get uninformed people to go along with global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance, aka sustainability.
The Biden UN WEF technocrats despise America First republicans. We stand in their way of global governance. ImageImageImageImage
“We now live on a "platform planet" in which elements of society, like identity, markets and political participation, transcend hard borders.”

This is global technocracy, a governance of “experts” with an AI surveillance state. #WEF #ClimateAction #4thindustrialrevolution ImageImage
The Biden UN WEF technocrats want to change every facet of society via public/private partnerships, aka fascism.

Also notice the hypocrisy of saying we need a just and equitable world not just for the elites in a WEF video. WEF are the elites ruling over us. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️
This is why the Biden democrat technocrat party demonizes MAGA. We stand in their way of global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance.

“Managing” should tell you that our 2A rights are for a very good reason. #WEF #trump #MAGA ImageImageImageImage
MAGA continued. ImageImage
The Club of Rome is saying what is coming after the Biden UN WEF technocrats take full control. Let’s just say, they will be dictating everyone’s behaviors and if you don’t comply, well, you know what comes next. #wef #agenda2030
This is what a technocratic "education" would look like.… ImageImage
"A collaborative effort to reimagine capitalism and redesign enterprise for the 21st century."

This is a UN WEF technocratic NGO. Take note of the funders. They are all involved in the technocratic takeover of the globe. ImageImage
Food will be a medium for transforming all aspects of daily life. We call this eating for change.… Image
Playing for Team Human today, Co-Founder of the Sustainable Economies Law Center Janelle Orsi helps Rushkoff overcome his dream for a turnkey solution for greater wealth distribution.…
Members of the U.S. banking community today announced the launch of a proof of concept project that will explore the feasibility of an interoperable digital money platform known as the regulated liability network (RLN).

Say NO to a cashless society.…
"More clearly than many struggles in the past, this protest reveals that we’re no longer just automating society. We have automated it already – and, finally, somebody noticed."

Welcome to rule by AI and a digital twin city. #WEF
Welcome to your dystopian life where the technocrats and AI decide how much freedom you get. Image
ICLEI is in almost every community across the globe implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (pillars of global technocratic governance). If they are in your community, kick them out. Their slogan… Think globally. Act locally. #Agenda2030 ImageImage
From the beginning, technocracy has taken on radical and moderate forms. In the radical form, technocrats have sought to re-engineer the human condition and have given birth to the tragedies of centralized planning and large-scale social engineering.…
All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.
A democrat authored a resolution supporting the UN WEF Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the pillars for global technocratic governance.
What is sustainability really about? The WEF says depopulation and “you will own nothing and be happy or else”. #wef ImageImage
“Climate change” has been weaponized as a way to mobilize activists. They are lied to and whipped into a frenzy. For example, the BBC had to admit it lied about Pakistan flooding. Unfortunately the damage was already done as evidenced by this TED talk on climate justice.…
The fossil fuel emissions fallacy was created by the UN WEF technocrats decades ago. They made people believe that a climate apocalypse was right around the corner so that the technocrats could save humanity. Decades later the planet is still here and the stats are still made up. Image
Both Marxists & UN WEF technocrats have co-opted education & are using it to radicalize students. They both use climate change as the catalyst for creating activists. The UN WEF technocrats have implementing a SDG curriculum globally. It is not teaching. It’s indoctrination.
Radicalizing students in the SDGs including inclusion and climate change in Pakistan.…
A global school advocating indoctrinating kids about sustainability in Belgium.
Educating for the SDGs in Nigeria.
Link to webinar.

Andrea Mitchell is a member of the Trilateral Commission, one of the groups spearheading the push for global technocratic governance. Technocrats are for sustainability, aka depopulation. What is one method to decrease the population? Abolish the family unit. ImageImageImageImage
Link to sign up for the abolishing the family webinar.… Image
It’s time to take data collection and analytics for better public health to the next level. The scientists behind are advancing digital innovation and collaboration to establish a global early warning system for pandemics.…
Welcome to UN WEF technocracy. The SDGs are the pillars for global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. Image
New America’s Planetary Politics initiative is a call to action for reimagining a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable global order. The time to build new global institutions that put people at the center of today’s planetary politics is now.…
Polarization is tearing at our social fabric & accelerating challenges we face at home, from disinfo to right-wing violent extremism, while posing a barrier to addressing key challenges such as climate change & the spread of infectious disease.…
In a 15-month study for the Office of Net Assessment in the U.S. Department of Defense, a team from the RAND Corporation sought to answer that question.…
Webinar: It’s clear we need greater global stewardship to ensure digital technology promotes human rights, inclusive sustainable development, and international stability. But the world has yet to develop global frameworks to govern the digital domain.…
This is how I think our dystopian hell plays out, starting with the endgame… a world built only for the UN WEF technocratic elite and the serfs who work in the service and care economies. This is the 4th Industrial Revolution run by data and AI. 🧵
The UN WEF technocrats openly admit that millions of jobs will be lost during the 4IR.…
Massive job loss will lead to mass civil unrest across the world.
This is where sustainability comes in as sustainability really means sustaining equilibrium in society and depopulation.
Knowing this, vaccine status, digital IDs, mass surveillance & data collection, along with othering & demonizing half of the population (MAGA), will identify the non-conformists, aka the useless people who will need to be handled. ImageImageImage
Controlling the workers who are left will be the main driver of big data, digital IDs, and social credit scores, in addition to controlling the message to control the masses
The UN WEF technocrats can then create their utopian society, starting with creating compliant future generations who will conform to their technocratic hell.
Why don’t American politicians stand up and say the same thing? The entire Biden regime and our administrative state are part of the UN WEF technocracy. Are all republicans in on it or just the uni-party members like @SpeakerRyan and @LeaderMcConnell? @RandPaul @RepRalphNorman
The Biden UN WEF technocrats are restructuring societies globally. They are causing the chaos that they will then need to come in and fix, leading to global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. #wef #Agenda2030 @Lijst_2030 @firecommunists
Technocracy via Google and Al Gore: The Climate TRACE coalition released the most detailed facility-level global inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to date, including emissions data for 72,612 individual sources worldwide.
Thread: Technocracy is an economic system based on energy. Your every move and life choice would be decided based on your allotted carbon credits. Enter the carbon credit cards.
By educating consumers on the specific climate impact of their purchases, the scheme aims to induce climate-friendly behavioral changes. It also has a direct impact, since it finances climate reduction projects around the world.…
Every month cardholders achieve “carbon zero” status. The company says it based their calculations on U.S. residents’ average annual carbon footprints (14.95 metric tons per person, according to the World Economic Forum).…
Swedish fintech company Doconomy has launched a new credit card that monitors the carbon footprint of its customers - and cuts off their spending when they hit their carbon max.…
Doconomy and Mastercard announce their joint effort to combat climate change. The launch of DO sets a new standard for purpose-driven payment services and is a major step in Mastercard’s commitment to drive innovation for a sustainable future.…
The launch of this card marks a milestone in the support that it provides to the UN Climate Change secretariat to encourage global climate action. Do Black helps users track & measure CO2 emissions & also puts a limit to their spending.…
Companies that continue with business as usual face reputational risk. As a result, ESG is now being embedded in business strategies and used as a foundation for building a strong reputation.…

ESG is the technocratic takeover of the financial system.
We’re building a platform to offer an extensive list of values-based metrics like reducing greenhouse gas emissions, LGBTQIA+ rights, racial justice, and more.
An ode to the decline and destruction of the US and the rise of global technocratic governance. This article was linked to in a WEF article on how Trump & MAGA is poisoning the liberal world order.…
Sustainability means depopulation. One way to naturally reach depopulation is through pandemics. A man-made method is through thought control, aka saying the planet is going to explode so brainwashed kids like @AOC will decide not to have children. #climate #SDGs #ClimateScam
Build back better to sustainable development education, aka indoctrinating kids to be compliant, non-critical thinking global citizens.… ImageImageImageImage
SDE continued. Image
This is the UN WEF technocratic transhumanism agenda. Image
The UN WEF technocrats, including the WHO, have to promulgate the theory that covid came from a wet market in China so that they can use it to continue their hysteria around climate change & nature. Covid was created in & leaked from the Wuhan lab with Fauci leading the effort. Image
What is Agenda 21?
What is the different between Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030? #Agenda2030
Sustainable Development = Agenda 21 = global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance #Agenda2030
As part of the UN WEF Vision 2050 plan, nation states will cease to exist. Instead, megaregions will be created with the remaining land being deemed off limits to humans in the name of climate change of course. The technocrats will run each region. There will be no democracy. ImageImageImage
Under Agenda 21, people will be forced out of the rural areas and suburbs and into densely packed megaregions. This will allow for total control over every aspect of human life using AI. The UN WEF technocrats use fluffy words like "smart cities" to describe the hellish living. ImageImageImage
In order to get people to go along with a top-down planned economy and society, the UN WEF technocrats lie by using softening language (smart growth, sustainability, resiliency, etc.) and/or they label people who have figured out the plan as conspiracy theorists. Image
The UN WEF has labeled our new hellish neighborhoods "sustainable human settlements". There will be no private car ownership so public transportation, biking, and walking will be your means of transportation. Your technocratic overlords will be exempt from all of this of course. ImageImage
If you don’t think these regions are already being created, think again. If you live in the NY region (NY, NJ, & CT), you might as well not even vote as the RPA technocrats are essentially running the show.
How are people in the NY region going to survive their hellish existence? By smoking weed of course.
As taxpayers, just know that your money is going to the sustainable crime ridden beacon of hope on the hill, the NY region, thanks to Chuck Schumer and dementia Joe.
I'm wondering how many citizens have been asked about the technocrats plans to re-order society. I am guessing none. #Agenda2030… ImageImageImageImage
Megaregions continued ImageImageImage
Educating Global Citizens through a US and China Lens at Harvard. Developing frameworks and tools designed to enhance students' understanding of the world and nurture global thinking dispositions.…
Americans need to take eyes off of political dogfights and see that the Biden regime is spending billions to embed “SMART CITY” technology all across our nation. It is the infrastructure of a gulag without physical walls.… ImageImageImage
The leading partners of the UN Global Goals project reveal the real technocratic agenda that lies behind the polished feel-good façade. It involves a plan to fully integrate mankind into a technological surveillance apparatus overseen by a powerful AI.…
2030Vision’s ambition is to transform the use of technology so that all people can live their lives to their full potential by 2030.…
The on-going emergency powers for the pandemic are just preparing everyone for the global climate emergency. The real problem for the technocrats is humanity so the goal is depopulation and control of the social unrest due to economic disparities.… Image
This is the best high-level overview of technocracy and UN agenda 21/2030. Everyone should watch it to get a basic level understanding of everything that is happening. @TuckerCarlson @marklevinshow @RepRalphNorman @mtgreenee #Agenda2030 #WEF
Control the message to control the masses.

The goal of the “disinformation” labeling campaign by the UN WEF technocrats is to shut down speech in order to usher in Chinese style global technocratic fascist totalitarian governance. What would social media look like in dystopia?
One way or another killer robots are coming.

Welcome to your hellish new dystopian life in technocracy. #Agenda2030
Using private/public partnerships (fascism) to violate the 2A and to violate the right to privacy. ImageImageImageImage
Fascism continued ImageImageImageImage
Fascism continued ImageImage

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Sep 30
This is lawfare coordinator Norm Eisen and the Trump deranged Connecticut AG in December 2022 talking about how they stole the 2020 election along with the current Michigan governor and her wife who started States United, a color revolution democracy nonprofit, with Norm. It follows along with the Transition Integrity Project.

In 2020, Norm had his pal and Democrat operative judge Emmet Sullivan implement a court ordered supervision over election ballots. That is no doubt how they directed where the ballots went in order to match the number of “votes”. Norm is currently working with his other friend and Democrat operative Chutkan and the NAACP to have a court ordered supervision of Trump for the 2024 election which tells me that they have plans to steal it and will imprison Trump if necessary.

Notice they mention the first time a president had an alternate set of electors. It is legal but they turned it into a crime for Trump and his affiliates because it is all about getting Trump and MAGA. Pence knew it was legal but he was involved in the theft of the 2020 election and the cover-up, January 6, along with their friend looney tunes judge Luttig.

Norm also mentions having Trump affiliated attorneys disbarred.

Milley was involved in the January 6 operation of the color revolution.
Democrat operative judge Sullivan was the one who targeted Michael Flynn over the Russia collusion hoax. Knowing what I know now, including Norm Eisen’s involvement, tells me that Sullivan was involved in Russia collusion/attempted coup of Trump.

It appears that Sullivan was sane at one point in time.
Read 20 tweets
Sep 27
Trump lawfare coordinator Norm Eisen said that Trump’s first bogus impeachment was “inoculation against disinformation” regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop, meaning they used the impeachment process to pre-bunk the truth about Joe Biden’s corruption.
Biden announced his candidacy on April 25, 2019. Trump was impeached on December 18, 2019. That tells you that they all knew about Hunter Biden’s laptop since the day he dropped it off in April 2019 and they used impeachment and censorship to cover it up.

Read 23 tweets
Sep 21
The Elections Task Force is central to stealing elections. They are now trying to force people to accept the stolen elections. Everyone involved should be thoroughly investigated, especially the Soros funded Brennan Center who is at the center of most of the criminality.
Hannah Fried should be nowhere near our elections. Image
The Elections Task Force is affiliated with the Elections Group. Image
Read 30 tweets
Sep 20
“U.S. government concludes Iran was behind threatening emails sent to Democrats”

October 2020

I think it was an inside job that they blamed on the Proud Boys and Iran.…
One of the people quoted in the article was Ariane Tabatabai.
The analysis of who was behind the “Proud Boys” emails and video was conducted by a former CIA agent with the Alethea disinformation Group.…
Read 63 tweets
Sep 18
Brad Raffensperger got himself into quite the pickle. He either has to continue paying for a lawsuit against him or he has to admit that Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss are on video stealing an election.

I find it interesting that the group (Issue One) that hired Claire Woodall-Vogg who was involved in stealing the 2020 election in Wisconsin is also posting about Brad Raffensperger needing to raise money to pay for his legal fees. It’s the same group that was part of the National elections council with Michael Chertoff and others.

It’s almost like they were all involved in stealing the election.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 18
I am sticking with CTI League and Microsoft being the creators of Solarwinds which was the hack of the 2020 election.

Chris Krebs could probably tell us everything. Someone should put him under oath.
Read 34 tweets

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