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Thread: Until republicans figure out that the UN WEF technocrats have taken over every aspect of life (government, civil society, academia, corporations & NGOs), they will never understand what is happening in our country therefore they will continue fighting the wrong fight.
As John Kerry said yesterday, technocrats do not care about a politician or election. Why? Because of private/public partnerships (fascism). The government gives corporations money to change everyone’s behaviors which cuts congress out of the picture (no democracy).
Republicans call democrats Marxists and communists (which there is a wing of) but the Biden/Obama wing, plus Bush/McConnell republicans, are technocrats. This thread is a start to understanding what technocracy is.
Read 247 tweets
Globalists are setting the stage for their #GreatReset to bring down the entire system.

Their #CyberPolygon online-attack simulation targets major financial institutions, affects major supply-chains, and causes a “cyberpandemic”:……
Read 8 tweets
From #Lockdowns to "#TheGreatReset". Lockdown in the wake of #coronavirus pandemic accelerated implementation of long-held plans to estb. so-called NWO. Under auspices of #WEF, global policymakers are advocating a “Great Reset” with intent of creating a global technocracy
It is not by coincidence that on 18 Oct 2019, in NYC the WEF “Event 201” at “high-level” pandemic exercise organized by John Hopkins Center for Health Security. This coming technocracy involves close cooperation between the heads of the digital industry and of governments
With programs such as guaranteed min income & healthcare for all, new kind of governance combines strict societal control with the promise of comprehensive social justice. The truth, however, this NWO of digital tyranny comes with a comprehensive social credit system
Read 10 tweets
1/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


2/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


3/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


Read 18 tweets

Investigative journalist Harry Vox filmed 2014 talking about a 2010 report from the Rockefeller Foundation - Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.… Image

Aaron Russo: "I had a friend, Nick Rockefeller..."

"And you become a slave" Interview with Aaron Russo (RFID CHIP/NFC CHIP) Image

>> Page 18, LOCKSTEP

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development -
Report published by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network, 2010.… ImageImage
Read 16 tweets

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